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[Chicken-hackers] Patch to make CHICKEN 4.11.0 more compatible with Andr

From: Alexander . Shendi
Subject: [Chicken-hackers] Patch to make CHICKEN 4.11.0 more compatible with Android/Termux
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 07:25:44 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.6.1 (2016-04-27)

Dear chicken-hackers,

I occasionally use CHICKEN under Android on my Nexus 9 tablet. I use the
Termux App (, which is a terminal emulator and package manager
for Android. 

I'd like to submit the attached patch for review.

The environment has the following pecularities:
- Programs live under /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin rather than /bin and 
  This also applies to bash.
- The Android dynamic linker does not support hardcoded library paths 
  (via -R/path/to/lib). Using this option results in the program
  emitting an warning message, that causes the test suite to fail. Warning 
  look like this: 
  WARNING: linker: ../csi: unused DT entry: type 0xf arg 0x51e
  WARNING: linker: /data/data/com.termux/files/home/chickens/4.11.0rc1/\
                   lib/chicken/8/ \
                   unused DT entry: type 0xf arg 0x1eb

- Instead LD_LIBRARY_PATH must be explicitly set to include the chicken 
  library directory.

The patch attempts to address these problems. It is relative to the relase 
I would be happy for any suggestions or improvements to this patch.
Many thanks in advance for your help!

Best Regards,


Attachment: chicken-termux.patch
Description: Text document

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