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[Chicken-hackers] [PATCH] A few chicken.file and chicken.file.posix modu

From: Evan Hanson
Subject: [Chicken-hackers] [PATCH] A few chicken.file and chicken.file.posix module changes
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2018 15:47:23 +1300


I've been trying to find a way to remove the posix dependency from the
file unit, and so doing I've stepped back and reevaluated the proposed
split between "chicken.file" and "chicken.file.posix" that we came up
with all those many moons ago. I think the attached patch, which moves
all the procedures that act on file descriptors, symlinks and fifos out
of the former and into the latter, provides a better split between
"Scheme-land" and "POSIX-land" than what we currently have. With this
split in mind, I've also changed the names of a few procedures in the
"chicken.file" module, and in one case its signature, in order to make
its API a bit more consistent after shuffling things around.

The commit message describes the specifics. I think it's clear, but then
I wrote it, so of course I do. If it isn't and you'd like me to explain
any change better, or if you'd prefer that I split the patch into
separate commits, let me know.



Attachment: 0001-A-few-chicken.file-and-chicken.file.posix-module-cha.patch
Description: Text Data

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