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[Chicken-hackers] [PATCH] Forbid relative pathnames in CHICKEN_INSTALL_R

From: Evan Hanson
Subject: [Chicken-hackers] [PATCH] Forbid relative pathnames in CHICKEN_INSTALL_REPOSITORY
Date: Sat, 9 Jun 2018 19:38:50 +1200

On 2018-06-09 18:41, Evan Hanson wrote:
> On 2018-06-09  8:35, address@hidden wrote:
> > I'd rather forbid relative pathnames than trying to be more
> > convenient than is healthy...
> Yeah, you're probably right. Forbidding it sounds good to me.

Here's a patch that does so.

I think it's sufficient to validate this environment variable in just
the commands that actually modify on the repository, so, chicken-install
and chicken-uninstall.



Attachment: 0001-Forbid-relative-pathnames-in-CHICKEN_INSTALL_REPOSIT.patch
Description: Text Data

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