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[Chicken-hackers] [PATCH 4/6] * scrutinizer.scm: Infer more exact types

From: megane
Subject: [Chicken-hackers] [PATCH 4/6] * scrutinizer.scm: Infer more exact types after set!
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2019 14:51:26 +0300
User-agent: mu4e 1.0; emacs 25.1.1


I'm working on some inference improvements and I noticed the blist keeps
accumulating some bogus entries. Commit 0003 removes some of those.

There's also a small improvement (0004).

>From abe8809647a0f6b64f37c1c512688f9368a42ab2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: megane <address@hidden>
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2019 11:16:57 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 1/6] * scrutinizer.scm (walk): Remove unused 'tail' parameter

 scrutinizer.scm | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scrutinizer.scm b/scrutinizer.scm
index 8f5923d5..c2aa147b 100644
--- a/scrutinizer.scm
+++ b/scrutinizer.scm
@@ -435,14 +435,14 @@
                (make-list argc '*)))
          (make-list argc '*)))
-    (define (walk n e loc dest tail flow ctags) ; returns result specifier
+    (define (walk n e loc dest flow ctags) ; returns result specifier
       (let ((subs (node-subexpressions n))
            (params (node-parameters n)) 
            (class (node-class n)) )
-       (dd "walk: ~a ~s (loc: ~a, dest: ~a, tail: ~a, flow: ~a)"
-           class params loc dest tail flow)
-       #;(dd "walk: ~a ~s (loc: ~a, dest: ~a, tail: ~a, flow: ~a, blist: ~a, 
e: ~a)"
-           class params loc dest tail flow blist e)
+       (dd "walk: ~a ~s (loc: ~a, dest: ~a, flow: ~a)"
+           class params loc dest flow)
+       #;(dd "walk: ~a ~s (loc: ~a, dest: ~a, flow: ~a, blist: ~a, e: ~a)"
+           class params loc dest flow blist e)
        (set! d-depth (add1 d-depth))
        (let ((results
               (case class
@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@
                        (tst (first subs))
                        (nor-1 noreturn))
                    (set! noreturn #f)
-                   (let* ((rt (single (walk tst e loc #f #f flow tags)
+                   (let* ((rt (single (walk tst e loc #f flow tags)
                                       (cut r-conditional-value-count-invalid 
loc n tst <>)))
                           (c (second subs))
                           (a (third subs))
@@ -469,16 +469,16 @@
                        ((and (always-true n tst rt loc) specialize)
                         (set! dropped-branches (add1 dropped-branches))
                         (mutate-node! n `(let ((,(gensym) ,tst)) ,c))
-                        (walk n e loc dest tail flow ctags))
+                        (walk n e loc dest flow ctags))
                        ((and (always-false n tst rt loc) specialize)
                         (set! dropped-branches (add1 dropped-branches))
                         (mutate-node! n `(let ((,(gensym) ,tst)) ,a))
-                        (walk n e loc dest tail flow ctags))
+                        (walk n e loc dest flow ctags))
-                        (let* ((r1 (walk c e loc dest tail (cons (car tags) 
flow) #f))
+                        (let* ((r1 (walk c e loc dest (cons (car tags) flow) 
                                (nor1 noreturn))
                           (set! noreturn #f)
-                          (let* ((r2 (walk a e loc dest tail (cons (cdr tags) 
flow) #f))
+                          (let* ((r2 (walk a e loc dest (cons (cdr tags) flow) 
                                 (nor2 noreturn))
                             (set! noreturn (or nor-1 nor0 (and nor1 nor2)))
                             ;; when only one branch is noreturn, add blist 
entries for
@@ -511,10 +511,10 @@
                  ;; before CPS-conversion, `let'-nodes may have multiple 
                  (let loop ((vars params) (body subs) (e2 '()))
                    (if (null? vars)
-                       (walk (car body) (append e2 e) loc dest tail flow ctags)
+                       (walk (car body) (append e2 e) loc dest flow ctags)
                        (let* ((var (car vars))
                               (val (car body))
-                              (t (single (walk val e loc var #f flow #f)
+                              (t (single (walk val e loc var flow #f)
                                          (cut r-let-value-count-invalid loc 
var n val <>))))
                          (when (and (eq? (node-class val) '##core#variable)
                                     (not (db-get db var 'assigned)))
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@
                                (r (walk (first subs)
                                         (if rest (alist-cons rest 'list e2) e2)
                                         (add-loc dest loc)
-                                        #f #t (list initial-tag) #f)))
+                                        #f (list initial-tag) #f)))
                           #;(when (and specialize
                                      (variable-mark dest 
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@
                 ((set! ##core#set!)
                  (let* ((var (first params))
                         (type (variable-mark var '##compiler#type))
-                        (rt (single (walk (first subs) e loc var #f flow #f)
+                        (rt (single (walk (first subs) e loc var flow #f)
                                     (cut r-assignment-value-count-invalid
                                          loc var n (first subs) <>)))
                         (typeenv (append 
@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@
-                                        (walk n2 e loc #f #f flow #f)
+                                        (walk n2 e loc #f flow #f)
                                         (cut r-proc-call-argument-value-count 
loc n i n2 <>)))
                                       (list n2)))
@@ -678,7 +678,7 @@
                          (smash-component-types! e "env")
                          (smash-component-types! blist "blist")))
                      (cond (specialized?
-                            (walk n e loc dest tail flow ctags)
+                            (walk n e loc dest flow ctags)
                             ;; keep type, as the specialization may contain 
icky stuff
                             ;; like "##core#inline", etc.
@@ -686,7 +686,7 @@
                                 (map (cut resolve <> typeenv) r)))
                            ((eq? 'quote (node-class n)) ; Call got constant 
-                            (walk n e loc dest tail flow ctags))
+                            (walk n e loc dest flow ctags))
                              (lambda (arg argr)
@@ -748,7 +748,7 @@
                                 (map (cut resolve <> typeenv) r)))))))
                  (let ((t (first params))
-                       (rt (walk (first subs) e loc dest tail flow ctags)))
+                       (rt (walk (first subs) e loc dest flow ctags)))
                    (cond ((eq? rt '*))
                          ((null? rt) (r-zero-values-for-the loc (first subs) 
@@ -760,7 +760,7 @@
                             (r-type-mismatch-in-the loc (first subs) (first 
rt) t))))
                    (list t)))
-                 (let* ((ts (walk (first subs) e loc #f #f flow ctags))
+                 (let* ((ts (walk (first subs) e loc #f flow ctags))
                         (trail0 trail)
                         (typeenv0 (type-typeenv (car ts))))
                    ;; first exp is always a variable so ts must be of length 1
@@ -771,20 +771,20 @@
                            (if (match-types (car types) (car ts) typeenv #t)
                                (begin ; drops exp
                                  (mutate-node! n (car subs))
-                                 (walk n e loc dest tail flow ctags))
+                                 (walk n e loc dest flow ctags))
                                  (trail-restore trail0 typeenv)
                                  (loop (cdr types) (cdr subs)))))))))
                 ((##core#switch ##core#cond)
                  (bomb "scrutinize: unexpected node class" class))
-                 (for-each (lambda (n) (walk n e loc #f #f flow #f)) subs)
+                 (for-each (lambda (n) (walk n e loc #f flow #f)) subs)
          (set! d-depth (sub1 d-depth))
          (dd "  ~a -> ~a" class results)
-    (let ((rn (walk (first (node-subexpressions node)) '() '() #f #f (list 
(tag)) #f)))
+    (let ((rn (walk (first (node-subexpressions node)) '() '() #f (list (tag)) 
       (when (pair? specialization-statistics)
         '(o e)

>From 8b23acc2e98107f6b8db47fcf0ef8bd5a86095fc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: megane <address@hidden>
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2019 11:18:15 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 2/6] * scrutinizer.scm (call-result): Remove unused 'e' ,
 'params' parameters

 scrutinizer.scm | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scrutinizer.scm b/scrutinizer.scm
index c2aa147b..f0f88239 100644
--- a/scrutinizer.scm
+++ b/scrutinizer.scm
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@
             (c (append (or a '()) (or b '()))))
        (and (pair? c) c)))
-    (define (call-result node args e loc params typeenv)
+    (define (call-result node args loc typeenv)
       (let* ((actualtypes (map walked-result args))
             (ptype (car actualtypes))
             (pptype? (procedure-type? ptype))
@@ -668,7 +668,7 @@
                          (and pn (variable-mark pn '##compiler#enforce)))
                         (pt (and pn (variable-mark pn '##compiler#predicate))))
                    (let-values (((r specialized?) 
-                                 (call-result n args e loc params typeenv)))
+                                 (call-result n args loc typeenv)))
                      (define (smash)
                        (when (and (not strict)
                                   (or (not pn)

>From 488ac92974c96bc1d76517274a4a3729d570352c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: megane <address@hidden>
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2019 20:03:54 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 3/6] * scrutinizer.scm: Don't insert duplicate entries in

  The important change is changing
    (eq? fl (cdaar bl))
    (or fl-found? (eq? fl (ble-tag ble)))

  Example showing the behaviour:
  (lambda (x y)
    (if y (+ x 1))
    (set! x 'a)
    (set! x 'a) ; <- these add more and more identical entries to blist
    (set! x 'a)
    (set! x 'a))

  Also rename f -> fl-found?. It took half an hour to figure out
  what was happening here at all, hopefully this helps the next soul.

  Also added accessors for the blist entries.
 scrutinizer.scm | 47 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 37 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scrutinizer.scm b/scrutinizer.scm
index f0f88239..186f0fe6 100644
--- a/scrutinizer.scm
+++ b/scrutinizer.scm
@@ -624,22 +624,39 @@
                                  "variable `~a' of type `~a' was modified to a 
value of type `~a'"
                                  var ot rt)))))
-                     ;; don't use "add-to-blist" since the current operation 
does not affect aliases
                      (let ((t (if (or strict (not (db-get db var 'captured)))
                            (fl (car flow)))
-                       (let loop ((bl blist) (f #f))
+                       ;; For each outer flow F, change the var's
+                       ;; type to (or t <old-type@F>). Add a new
+                       ;; entry for current flow if it's missing.
+                       ;;
+                       ;; Motivating example:
+                       ;;
+                       ;;   (let* ((x 1)
+                       ;;          (y x))       ; y x : fixnum @ flow f_1
+                       ;;     (if foo
+                       ;;         (set! y 'a))  ; y : symbol   @ flow f_2
+                       ;;     y)                ; (1)          @ flow f_1
+                       ;;
+                       ;; At point (1) the type of y can be inferred
+                       ;; to be (or fixnum symbol). The type of x
+                       ;; should stay unchanged, however.
+                       (let loop ((bl blist) (fl-found? #f))
                          (cond ((null? bl)
-                                (unless f
+                                (unless fl-found?
+                                  (dd "set! ~a in ~a (new) --> ~a" var fl t)
                                   (set! blist (alist-cons (cons var fl) t 
-                               ((eq? (caaar bl) var)
-                                (let ((t (simplify-type `(or ,t ,(cdar bl)))))
-                                  (dd "assignment modifies blist entry ~s -> 
-                                      (caar bl) t)
-                                  (set-cdr! (car bl) t)
-                                  (loop (cdr bl) (eq? fl (cdaar bl)))))
-                               (else (loop (cdr bl) f))))))
+                               ((eq? var (ble-id (car bl)))
+                                (let* ((ble (car bl))
+                                       (old-type (ble-type ble))
+                                       (t2 (simplify-type `(or ,t ,old-type))))
+                                  (dd "set! ~a in ~a, or old ~a with ~a --> ~a"
+                                      var tag old-type t t2)
+                                  (ble-type-set! ble t2)
+                                  (loop (cdr bl) (or fl-found? (eq? fl 
(ble-tag ble))))))
+                               (else (loop (cdr bl) fl-found?))))))
                    (when (always-immediate var rt loc)
                      (set! assigned-immediates (add1 assigned-immediates))
@@ -839,6 +856,16 @@
                 (cute set-car! (cddr t) <>))))))))
+;;; blist (binding list) helpers
+;; - Entries (ble) in blist have type ((symbol . fixnum) . type)
+(define ble-id caar)           ; variable name : symbol
+(define ble-tag cdar)          ; block tag     : fixnum
+(define ble-type cdr)          ; variable type : valid type sexp
+(define ble-type-set! set-cdr!)
 ;;; Type-matching
 ; - "all" means: all elements in `or'-types in second argument must match

>From f18704baf3e80d62172eae792a30f87f4db1a40f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: megane <address@hidden>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2019 08:21:50 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 4/6] * scrutinizer.scm: Infer more exact types after set!

  In the following code the type of x after the second set! is

    (or symbol null)

  when it can be inferred to be just null.

  (lambda (x)
   (set! x 'a)
   (set! x '())
   (compiler-typecase x ((not *) 1)))
 scrutinizer.scm           | 24 +++++++++++++++---------
 tests/typematch-tests.scm | 14 ++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scrutinizer.scm b/scrutinizer.scm
index 186f0fe6..aaa73686 100644
--- a/scrutinizer.scm
+++ b/scrutinizer.scm
@@ -626,8 +626,7 @@
                                  var ot rt)))))
                      (let ((t (if (or strict (not (db-get db var 'captured)))
-                                  '*))
-                           (fl (car flow)))
+                                  '*)))
                        ;; For each outer flow F, change the var's
                        ;; type to (or t <old-type@F>). Add a new
                        ;; entry for current flow if it's missing.
@@ -643,20 +642,27 @@
                        ;; At point (1) the type of y can be inferred
                        ;; to be (or fixnum symbol). The type of x
                        ;; should stay unchanged, however.
-                       (let loop ((bl blist) (fl-found? #f))
+                       (let loop ((bl blist) (cur-tag (car flow)))
                          (cond ((null? bl)
-                                (unless fl-found?
-                                  (dd "set! ~a in ~a (new) --> ~a" var fl t)
-                                  (set! blist (alist-cons (cons var fl) t 
-                               ((eq? var (ble-id (car bl)))
+                                (when cur-tag
+                                  (dd "set! ~a in ~a (current) (new) --> ~a" 
var cur-tag t)
+                                  (set! blist (alist-cons (cons var cur-tag) t 
+                               ((not (eq? (ble-id (car bl)) var))
+                                (loop (cdr bl) cur-tag))
+                               ((eq? cur-tag (ble-tag (car bl)))
+                                ;; In current flow the type is just
+                                ;; the type of the assigned value.
+                                (dd "set! ~a in ~a (current) --> ~a" var 
cur-tag t)
+                                (ble-type-set! (car bl) t)
+                                (loop (cdr bl) #f))
+                               (else
                                 (let* ((ble (car bl))
                                        (old-type (ble-type ble))
                                        (t2 (simplify-type `(or ,t ,old-type))))
                                   (dd "set! ~a in ~a, or old ~a with ~a --> ~a"
                                       var tag old-type t t2)
                                   (ble-type-set! ble t2)
-                                  (loop (cdr bl) (or fl-found? (eq? fl 
(ble-tag ble))))))
-                               (else (loop (cdr bl) fl-found?))))))
+                                  (loop (cdr bl) cur-tag)))))))
                    (when (always-immediate var rt loc)
                      (set! assigned-immediates (add1 assigned-immediates))
diff --git a/tests/typematch-tests.scm b/tests/typematch-tests.scm
index ac2d447c..77aaaaf1 100644
--- a/tests/typematch-tests.scm
+++ b/tests/typematch-tests.scm
@@ -427,4 +427,18 @@
 (infer true (= 3 (+ 1 2))) ; Constant folding should happen before / during 
+(define (set-infer-1 x)
+  (set! x 'a)
+  (set! x '())
+  (compiler-typecase x (null 1)))
+(define (set-infer-2 x y)
+  (set! x 'a)
+  (if y
+      (begin
+       (set! x '())
+       (compiler-typecase x (null 1))))
+  (assert (compiler-typecase x (null #f) (symbol #f) ((or null symbol) #t))))
+(set-infer-2 (begin) (begin))

>From 0dafaa88b7921b6d0872518a1a8778e11bc5a3fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: megane <address@hidden>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2019 08:28:59 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 5/6] * scrutinizer.scm: Inline always-immediate for

 scrutinizer.scm | 8 ++------
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scrutinizer.scm b/scrutinizer.scm
index aaa73686..12e6f96a 100644
--- a/scrutinizer.scm
+++ b/scrutinizer.scm
@@ -277,11 +277,6 @@
        (r-cond-test-always-false loc if-node test-node)
-    (define (always-immediate var t loc)
-      (and-let* ((_ (type-always-immediate? t)))
-       (d "assignment to var ~a in ~a is always immediate" var loc)
-       #t))
     (define (single tv r-value-count-mismatch)
       (if (eq? '* tv)
@@ -664,7 +659,8 @@
                                   (ble-type-set! ble t2)
                                   (loop (cdr bl) cur-tag)))))))
-                   (when (always-immediate var rt loc)
+                   (when (type-always-immediate? rt)
+                     (d "  assignment to var ~a in ~a is always immediate" var 
                      (set! assigned-immediates (add1 assigned-immediates))
                      (set-cdr! params '(#t)))

>From 63a09d79c3559675e3ace3806c6f757b0688d8d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: megane <address@hidden>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2019 08:51:04 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 6/6] * scrutinizer.scm: Improve debug output

Print walk result at the same indentation level as the "walk:"
message. Prefix with "walked" so it's quicker to see what this message
is about.

The big banners are helpful for finding where the scrutiny starts.
Especially when there's a lot of define-types which generate debugging
output too.
 scrutinizer.scm | 4 +++-
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/scrutinizer.scm b/scrutinizer.scm
index 12e6f96a..55b900a2 100644
--- a/scrutinizer.scm
+++ b/scrutinizer.scm
@@ -175,6 +175,7 @@
        (else #f)))
 (define (scrutinize node db complain specialize strict block-compilation)
+  (d "################################## SCRUTINIZE 
   (define (report loc msg . args)
     (when *complain?*
@@ -800,7 +801,7 @@
                  (for-each (lambda (n) (walk n e loc #f flow #f)) subs)
          (set! d-depth (sub1 d-depth))
-         (dd "  ~a -> ~a" class results)
+         (dd "walked ~a -> ~a flow: ~a" class results flow)
     (let ((rn (walk (first (node-subexpressions node)) '() '() #f (list (tag)) 
@@ -819,6 +820,7 @@
        (debugging '(o e) "dropped branches" dropped-branches))
       (when (positive? assigned-immediates)
        (debugging '(o e) "assignments to immediate values" 
+      (d "############################### SCRUTINIZE FINISH 
       (when errors
        (quit-compiling "some variable types do not satisfy strictness"))

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