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[PATCH] Fix double normalize-destination call

From: Peter Bex
Subject: [PATCH] Fix double normalize-destination call
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2022 13:36:19 +0100

Hi all,

While testing my previous patch on Windows, I noticed some weird error
output during the installation phase.  It would say several times in a
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

If you look at the foo.install.bat file, there's calls to mkdir which
include the chicken PREFIX twice.

Then, I realised this also happens in *nix.  For example, try to install
the "amb" egg.  Just before it emits the egg-info file, it emits several
calls to mkdir -p /path/to/chicken/path/to/chicken/share, which ought
to be just /path/to/chicken/share.

After investigating further, I realised these 5 calls correspond to
the (data ...) components in the egg, which aren't actually installed!

If you install the amb egg and then run the following command from the
target directory: "find -name amb-dwelling.scm", it turns up nothing.
The amb-dwelling.scm file also doesn't even occur in the install script.

It looks like that's actually a bug in the egg though - contrast to the
srfi-19 egg which *does* work, it has (data srf-29-bundles (files ...))

The attached patch fixes the double call to normalize-destination on the
directory for "share" files (data files)


Attachment: 0001-Do-not-double-call-normalize-destination-on-share-di.patch
Description: Text document

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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