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Re: Trying to understand chicken limitations

From: Lassi Kortela
Subject: Re: Trying to understand chicken limitations
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2019 20:18:03 +0200
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There's a persistent myth among programmers that interpreters are slow.

I disagree that this is a myth.  Interpreted code is typically anywhere from 5x 
to 100x slower than compiled code depending on the features of the interpreter 
and quality of the compiled code.  The real issue is that developers are 
notoriously bad at predicting where performance matters in their code and in 
particular the impact of the interpreter's “slowness” on the overall 
performance of the application.  If the interpreted code is mainly ordering the 
execution of rather long-running operations that are well implemented in C then 
the slowness of the interpreter will not be observable by the user (for example 
typical shell scripts executed by an interpreter-based shell).

Your numbers sound correct. The myth is not about the slowdown factor; it's that the slowdown matters to users. Many (perhaps most) code is I/O bound so users don't perceive a difference. On the other hand, we easily perceive a difference in how fast the program loads when you click its icon or type its name in the shell (fancy runtimes have slower startup). Also, programmers notice a big difference in how fast they can build and run the program after each change they make. Programs that are easy and fast to build are fun to tinker with, which leads to more improvements.

There are still a lot of programmers who use languages like C++, Java, Haskell or Rust by default because they are perceived as "real languages" that run fast (even when their program is 1000 lines and I/O bound). These come with heavy toolchains which are difficult and slow to install and operate.

Emacs is a good example of a huge, mostly interpreted application whose interpreter is not stellar. And still almost none of the day-to-day slowdown when using Emacs is due to the interpreter; mostly you're waiting for some external program that is not responding.

Even an old version of Microsoft Excel was interpreted. The team had their own C compiler that generated bytecode instead of machine code. Joel Spolsky has a blog post about it.

But the performance of code execution by the embedded language matters for some 
applications and usually the developper only knows this late in the development 
process (after the application’s goals have evolved) which is after the 
embedded language implementation has been selected and much code written around 
it.  In such a situation it is usually too expensive to change the embedded 
language implementation, so instead more and more functionality gets 
implemented in the low-level language.

So code execution performance should not be overlooked when selecting an 
embedded language implementation, otherwise the development benefits of the 
high-level language may eventually be lost.

These are very good points. Indeed a good experience with interpreters requires moving performance-sensitive parts to C. Emacs is harmed by this as well.

Then again, using an exotic compiled language is certainly far from problem-free. Using C for the fast parts and a self-contained interpreter for the slow parts offers a nice mix of portability and expressive power. For example, it might make sense to rewrite Emacs in Common Lisp (since Emacs Lisp is basically a subset of CL already) but the result would probably be less portable, and there would be problems with CL implementations that they don't have with C. It's a trade-off.

The best of both worlds is a standardized language supported by many interpreters and compilers of different levels of sophistication - for example, a certain long-lived language in the Lisp family ;-) Then one can start with something simple and move up with a minimum of friction.

Lua is still a big inspiration to me as an interpreter that is actually as easy to drop into a C codebase as they advertise. TinyScheme and S7 are currently the closest thing to Lua in the Scheme world. Other Schemes run code faster with more features and with ready-to-use libraries, but at a cost in simplicity.

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