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Chicken GUI options survey and questions.

From: Matt Welland
Subject: Chicken GUI options survey and questions.
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 2021 08:40:20 -0700
User-agent: Evolution 3.36.4-0ubuntu1

I'm starting (yet another) attempt to move a big project of mine to
Chicken 5 and now is a good time to look at other options for the GUI.
Before I do some evaluations I'm interested in hearing any thoughts
from others.

What is your preferred toolkit for making GUI apps with chicken? 

I've been using IUP, which I know and like very much. I've listed the
pros and cons (from my perspective) far below.

Alternatives to consider

 * webview egg
 * qt-light 
 * pstk (probably not really an option, ancient look/feel).
 * kiwi (probably too limited for my needs)


        looks interesting, not clear if actively supported

flutter - no egg yet but checks all modern gui boxes and
          highly portable. Comments on effort required to 
          make a binding to Chicken would be appreciated.
          BTW: No, I'm not interested in developing in dart.
          I'm sure it is a great language but I like Chicken.

My experiences with IUP

 - super easy to learn and use
 - Good range of widgets
 - decent performance


 - native widgets can look dated across platforms
 - you are at the whim of the platform. 
       (E.g. In my case Gnome broke using bgcolor in
        buttons which I was relying on.)
 - Very difficult to install, still no Ubuntu package.

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