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Re: Weird characters in java/lang/

From: Tom Tromey
Subject: Re: Weird characters in java/lang/
Date: 22 Aug 2001 16:13:28 -0600

>>>>> "Etienne" == Etienne M Gagnon <address@hidden> writes:

Etienne> I would like to know how I should compile files like
Etienne> java/lang/

Etienne> $ jikes -bootclasspath . -classpath . java/lang/
Etienne> Charset conversion error at offset 26776: Invalid or incomplete 
multibyte or wide character
Etienne> Charset conversion error at offset 26776: Invalid or incomplete 
multibyte or wide character

When I look at this in Emacs I see that that particular byte has a
value of 172.  It is displayed to me as a mathematical "not" sign.

I'm guessing that jikes is assuming one particular character encoding
for the input file (probably UTF-8), while is actually
written in Latin-1.

So telling jikes about the actual encoding would probably work.
Another approach would be to rewrite this line to be ASCII.  That is
probably best.  Are there other such characters in this file?


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