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Re: build ideas

From: Brian Jones
Subject: Re: build ideas
Date: 17 Oct 2001 09:12:32 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.0803 (Gnus v5.8.3) Emacs/20.7

Nic Ferrier <address@hidden> writes:

> Personally, I don't like Ant. It's not *free* software either.
> There's not much you can do with Ant that can't be done with Make
> (given a little thought).

Last I checked this is quite true.
> Ant is also very Java centric, Classpath has a lot of C (and C++ if we
> include the GCJ stuff). Make is perfect for those languages.

I think Ant could only be useful for Java.  I would not want to use it
for making shared libraries.
> Brian, would you like to check out the Paperclips and Classpathx make
> files? They use the the @filelist convieniance to facilitate better
> make control over java projects.

I'll do that.
Brian Jones <address@hidden>

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