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Re: State of AWT

From: Tom Tromey
Subject: Re: State of AWT
Date: 30 Jan 2002 16:49:11 -0700

>>>>> "Yann" == Yann Secq <address@hidden> writes:

Yann> Hi, there has been some talk around the wonka-vm, but I didn't
Yann> understand were it leads. I've checked their webpages and it is
Yann> explicitely written that their licence is GPL compatible
Yann> (

Yann> Isn't it possible to merge their implementation of AWT with
Yann> Classpath ?

Yes, it just requires the will and the time to do so.  My
understanding is that Rudolph (isn't that the name of the Wonka AWT
implementation?) is a peerless implementation running on a framebuffer
abstraction.  So parts wouldn't be really applicable -- though ideally
Classpath could run on framebuffers too, my primary goal is to make it
work on desktop boxes.

Do they have GridBagLayout?  That would be one area where we could
easily benefit.  I don't know about anybody else, but I'd be willing
to feed bug fixes I write upstream to them.


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