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gnue/geas lib/classdefs/gcdparser.c lib/classde...

From: Reinhard Mueller
Subject: gnue/geas lib/classdefs/gcdparser.c lib/classde...
Date: Sat, 01 Sep 2001 10:09:44 -0700

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/gnue
Module name:    gnue
Branch:         geas-0-1-0-branch
Changes by:     Reinhard Mueller <address@hidden>       01/09/01 10:09:44

Modified files:
        geas/lib/classdefs: gcdparser.c gcdparser.h yparser.y 
        geas/src       : geas-internal-classes.h 

Log message:
        don't create internal fields for typedefs


Index: gnue/geas/lib/classdefs/gcdparser.c
diff -u gnue/geas/lib/classdefs/gcdparser.c:1.42 
--- gnue/geas/lib/classdefs/gcdparser.c:1.42    Wed Jul  4 11:04:12 2001
+++ gnue/geas/lib/classdefs/gcdparser.c Fri Aug 24 12:36:50 2001
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
    Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  
-   $Id: gcdparser.c,v 1.42 2001/07/04 18:04:12 ntiffin Exp $
+   $Id: gcdparser.c,v 1.43 2001/08/24 19:36:50 ntiffin Exp $
@@ -233,41 +233,6 @@
   assert (argument != NULL);
   /* TODO - there must be something to do here, neilt */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *\
- * Allocate and make defaults for help structure.
-\* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-struct _odl_help *
-alloc_odl_help ()
-  struct _odl_help *help_entry = g_new0 (struct _odl_help, 1);
-  g_assert (help_entry != NULL);
-  if (help_entry)
-    {
-     help_entry->module = NULL;
-     help_entry->class = NULL;
-     help_entry->field = NULL;
-     help_entry->fullname = NULL;
-     help_entry->language_code = NULL;
-     help_entry->dialect_code = NULL;
-     help_entry->help_text = NULL;
-     help_entry->help_keywords = NULL;
-     help_entry->tool_tip = NULL;
-     help_entry->label = NULL;
-     help_entry->default_text = NULL;
-    }
-  return help_entry;
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *\
- * 
-\* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-free_odl_help (struct _odl_item *help)
-  g_assert( help != NULL);
-  /* TODO */
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *\
Index: gnue/geas/lib/classdefs/gcdparser.h
diff -u gnue/geas/lib/classdefs/gcdparser.h:1.29 
--- gnue/geas/lib/classdefs/gcdparser.h:1.29    Fri Aug 24 12:36:50 2001
+++ gnue/geas/lib/classdefs/gcdparser.h Fri Aug 24 14:30:58 2001
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
    Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  
-   $Id: gcdparser.h,v 1.29 2001/08/24 19:36:50 ntiffin Exp $
+   $Id: gcdparser.h,v 1.30 2001/08/24 21:30:58 ntiffin Exp $
@@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
 struct _odl_tree
   struct _odl_container *root;
-  GList * help_list;
 /** \struct _odl_datatype
@@ -188,8 +187,6 @@
 void                  free_odl_item (struct _odl_item *item);
 struct _odl_argument *alloc_odl_argument (void);
 void                  free_odl_argument (struct _odl_argument *argument);
-struct _odl_help     *alloc_odl_help (void);
-void                  free_odl_help (struct _odl_item *help);
 void                  free_odl_unknown_item (struct _odl_base *base);
 void                  init_odl_base (struct _odl_base *base);
 void                  free_odl_base (struct _odl_base *base);
Index: gnue/geas/lib/classdefs/yparser.y
diff -u gnue/geas/lib/classdefs/yparser.y:1.39 
--- gnue/geas/lib/classdefs/yparser.y:1.39      Fri Aug 24 14:16:50 2001
+++ gnue/geas/lib/classdefs/yparser.y   Fri Aug 24 14:43:04 2001
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
     _odl_datasource        *datasource;
Index: gnue/geas/src/geas-internal-classes.h
diff -u gnue/geas/src/geas-internal-classes.h:1.16 
--- gnue/geas/src/geas-internal-classes.h:1.16  Fri Jun  1 17:24:33 2001
+++ gnue/geas/src/geas-internal-classes.h       Sun Jun 10 05:56:12 2001
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
-   GEAS - GNU Enterprise Application Server
+   geas-internal-classes.h
+   Part of GNU Enterprise Application Server (GEAS)
    Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation
@@ -17,6 +19,8 @@
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
    Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  
+   $Id: geas-internal-classes.h,v 1.17 2001/06/10 12:56:12 ntiffin Exp $
@@ -48,375 +52,402 @@
 /* a good reason to do otherwise ( ie: geas:: is the prefix for GEAS */
 /* specific classes, so no conflict with non geas classes)           */
-static void make_server_security_classes( odl_module *m )
+static void
+make_server_security_classes (odl_module * m)
-   odl_class *c;
-   odl_field *f;
-   /* odl_index *i; */
-   GList *body = NULL;
-   GList *fields = NULL;
-   /* ************************************ */
-   /* class GEAS::user */
-   c = odl_new_class( ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM , "user" );
-   odl_container_insert_container( m , c );
-   c->base.parent = (odl_base *)m;
-   c->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_PUBLIC;
-   c->orderby = g_strdup("username");
-   body = NULL;
-   /* add field char username[32] */
-   f = alloc_odl_item();
-   f->base.parent = (odl_base *)c;
-   f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_PUBLIC;
-   f-> = g_strdup( "username" );
-   f->base.type = IT_field;
-   f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
-   f->datatype = DT_char;
-   f->format = g_strdup("32");
-   f->properties = ODL_PROP_NOTNULL;
-   body = g_list_append( body , f );
-   /* add field char username[32] */
-   f = alloc_odl_item();
-   f->base.parent = (odl_base *)c;
-   f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_PUBLIC;
-   f-> = g_strdup( "password" );
-   f->base.type = IT_field;
-   f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
-   f->datatype = DT_char;
-   f->format = g_strdup("32");
-   body = g_list_append( body , f );
-   /* add field object _currenttransaction */
-   f = alloc_odl_item();
-   f->base.parent = (odl_base *)c;
-   f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
-   f-> = g_strdup( "_currenttransaction" );
-   f->base.type = IT_field;
-   f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
-   f->datatype = DT_object;
-   body = g_list_append( body , f );
-   /* add fields to class */
-   if( c->contents )
-     c->contents = g_list_concat( c->contents , body );
-   else
-     c->contents = body;
-   /* add indexes */
-   fields = g_list_append( NULL , g_strdup("username") );
-   odl_make_index(c,TRUE,fields);
+  odl_class *c;
+  odl_field *f;
+  /* odl_index *i; */
+  GList *body = NULL;
+  GList *fields = NULL;
+  /* ************************************ */
+  /* class GEAS::user */
+  c = odl_new_class (ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM, "user");
+  odl_container_insert_container (m, c);
+  c->base.parent = (odl_base *) m;
+  c->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_PUBLIC;
+  c->orderby = g_strdup ("username");
+  body = NULL;
+  /* add field char username[32] */
+  f = alloc_odl_item ();
+  f->base.parent = (odl_base *) c;
+  f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_PUBLIC;
+  f-> = g_strdup ("username");
+  f->base.type = IT_field;
+  f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
+  f->datatype = DT_char;
+  f->format = g_strdup ("32");
+  f->properties = ODL_PROP_NOTNULL;
+  body = g_list_append (body, f);
+  /* add field char username[32] */
+  f = alloc_odl_item ();
+  f->base.parent = (odl_base *) c;
+  f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_PUBLIC;
+  f-> = g_strdup ("password");
+  f->base.type = IT_field;
+  f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
+  f->datatype = DT_char;
+  f->format = g_strdup ("32");
+  body = g_list_append (body, f);
+  /* add field object _currenttransaction */
+  f = alloc_odl_item ();
+  f->base.parent = (odl_base *) c;
+  f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
+  f-> = g_strdup ("_currenttransaction");
+  f->base.type = IT_field;
+  f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
+  f->datatype = DT_object;
+  body = g_list_append (body, f);
+  /* add fields to class */
+  if (c->contents)
+    {
+      c->contents = g_list_concat (c->contents, body);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      c->contents = body;
+    }
+  /* add indexes */
+  fields = g_list_append (NULL, g_strdup ("username"));
+  odl_make_index (c, TRUE, fields);
-static void make_server_transaction_classes( odl_module *m )
+static void
+make_server_transaction_classes (odl_module * m)
-   odl_class *c;
-   odl_field *f;
-   GList *body = NULL;
-   /* GList *fields = NULL; */
-   /* ************************************ */
-   /* make class GEAS::transaction */
-   c = odl_new_class( ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM , "transaction" );
-   odl_container_insert_container( m , c );
-   c->base.parent = (odl_base *)m;
-   body = NULL;
-   /* add field object _user */
-   f = alloc_odl_item();
-   f->base.parent = (odl_base *)c;
-   f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
-   f-> = g_strdup( "_user" );
-   f->base.type = IT_field;
-   f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
-   f->datatype = DT_object;
-   f->properties = ODL_PROP_NOTNULL;
-   body = g_list_append( body , f );
-   /* add field bool open */
-   f = alloc_odl_item();
-   f->base.parent = (odl_base *)c;
-   f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
-   f-> = g_strdup( "open" );
-   f->base.type = IT_field;
-   f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
-   f->datatype = DT_bool;
-   f->properties = ODL_PROP_NOTNULL;
-   body = g_list_append( body , f );
-   /* add fields to class */
-   if( c->contents )
-     c->contents = g_list_concat( c->contents , body );
-   else
-     c->contents = body;
+  odl_class *c;
+  odl_field *f;
+  GList *body = NULL;
+  /* GList *fields = NULL; */
+  /* ************************************ */
+  /* make class GEAS::transaction */
+  c = odl_new_class (ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM, "transaction");
+  odl_container_insert_container (m, c);
+  c->base.parent = (odl_base *) m;
+  body = NULL;
+  /* add field object _user */
+  f = alloc_odl_item ();
+  f->base.parent = (odl_base *) c;
+  f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
+  f-> = g_strdup ("_user");
+  f->base.type = IT_field;
+  f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
+  f->datatype = DT_object;
+  f->properties = ODL_PROP_NOTNULL;
+  body = g_list_append (body, f);
+  /* add field bool open */
+  f = alloc_odl_item ();
+  f->base.parent = (odl_base *) c;
+  f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
+  f-> = g_strdup ("open");
+  f->base.type = IT_field;
+  f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
+  f->datatype = DT_bool;
+  f->properties = ODL_PROP_NOTNULL;
+  body = g_list_append (body, f);
+  /* add fields to class */
+  if (c->contents)
+    {
+      c->contents = g_list_concat (c->contents, body);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      c->contents = body;
+    }
-static void make_server_list_handling_classes( odl_module *m )
+static void
+make_server_list_handling_classes (odl_module * m)
-   odl_class *c;
-   odl_field *f;
-   GList *body = NULL;
-   GList *fields = NULL;
-   /* ************************************ */
-   /* make class GEAS::listitem */
-   c = odl_new_class( ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM , "listitem" );
-   odl_container_insert_container( m , c );
-   c->base.parent = (odl_base *)m;
-   body = NULL;
-   c->orderby = g_strdup("position");
-   /* add field unsigned int position */
-   f = alloc_odl_item();
-   f->base.parent = (odl_base *)c;
-   f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
-   f-> = g_strdup( "position" );
-   f->base.type = IT_field;
-   f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
-   f->datatype = DT_unsignedint;
-   f->properties = ODL_PROP_NOTNULL;
-   body = g_list_append( body , f );
-   /* add field object listid         */
-   f = alloc_odl_item();
-   f->base.parent = (odl_base *)c;
-   f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
-   f-> = g_strdup( "listid" );
-   f->base.type = IT_field;
-   f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
-   f->datatype = DT_object;
-   f->properties = ODL_PROP_NOTNULL;
-   body = g_list_append( body , f );
-   /* add field object reference      */
-   f = alloc_odl_item();
-   f->base.parent = (odl_base *)c;
-   f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
-   f-> = g_strdup( "reference" );
-   f->base.type = IT_field;
-   f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
-   f->datatype = DT_object;
-   f->properties = ODL_PROP_NOTNULL;
-   body = g_list_append( body , f );
-   /* add fields to class */
-   if( c->contents )
-     c->contents = g_list_concat( c->contents , body );
-   else
-     c->contents = body;
-   /* add indexes */
-   fields = g_list_append( NULL   , g_strdup("position") );
-   fields = g_list_append( fields , g_strdup("listid") );
-   odl_make_index(c,TRUE,fields);
-   /* ************************************ */
-   /* make class GEAS::listholder */
-   c = odl_new_class( ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM , "listholder" );
-   odl_container_insert_container( m , c );
-   c->base.parent = (odl_base *)m;
-   body = NULL;
-   /* add field unsigned int length; */
-   f = alloc_odl_item();
-   f->base.parent = (odl_base *)c;
-   f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
-   f-> = g_strdup( "length" );
-   f->base.type = IT_field;
-   f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
-   f->datatype = DT_unsignedint;
-   f->properties = ODL_PROP_NOTNULL;
-   body = g_list_append( body , f );
-   /* add field text classname; */
-   f = alloc_odl_item(); 
-   f->base.parent = (odl_base *)c;
-   f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
-   f-> = g_strdup( "classname" );
-   f->base.type = IT_field;
-   f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
-   f->datatype = DT_text;
-   f->properties = ODL_PROP_NOTNULL;
-   body = g_list_append( body , f );
-   /* add fields to class */
-   if( c->contents )
-     c->contents = g_list_concat( c->contents , body );
-   else
-     c->contents = body;
+  odl_class *c;
+  odl_field *f;
+  GList *body = NULL;
+  GList *fields = NULL;
+  /* ************************************ */
+  /* make class GEAS::listitem */
+  c = odl_new_class (ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM, "listitem");
+  odl_container_insert_container (m, c);
+  c->base.parent = (odl_base *) m;
+  body = NULL;
+  c->orderby = g_strdup ("position");
+  /* add field unsigned int position */
+  f = alloc_odl_item ();
+  f->base.parent = (odl_base *) c;
+  f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
+  f-> = g_strdup ("position");
+  f->base.type = IT_field;
+  f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
+  f->datatype = DT_unsignedint;
+  f->properties = ODL_PROP_NOTNULL;
+  body = g_list_append (body, f);
+  /* add field object listid         */
+  f = alloc_odl_item ();
+  f->base.parent = (odl_base *) c;
+  f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
+  f-> = g_strdup ("listid");
+  f->base.type = IT_field;
+  f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
+  f->datatype = DT_object;
+  f->properties = ODL_PROP_NOTNULL;
+  body = g_list_append (body, f);
+  /* add field object reference      */
+  f = alloc_odl_item ();
+  f->base.parent = (odl_base *) c;
+  f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
+  f-> = g_strdup ("reference");
+  f->base.type = IT_field;
+  f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
+  f->datatype = DT_object;
+  f->properties = ODL_PROP_NOTNULL;
+  body = g_list_append (body, f);
+  /* add fields to class */
+  if (c->contents)
+    {
+      c->contents = g_list_concat (c->contents, body);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      c->contents = body;
+    }
+  /* add indexes */
+  fields = g_list_append (NULL, g_strdup ("position"));
+  fields = g_list_append (fields, g_strdup ("listid"));
+  odl_make_index (c, TRUE, fields);
+  /* ************************************ */
+  /* make class GEAS::listholder */
+  c = odl_new_class (ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM, "listholder");
+  odl_container_insert_container (m, c);
+  c->base.parent = (odl_base *) m;
+  body = NULL;
+  /* add field unsigned int length; */
+  f = alloc_odl_item ();
+  f->base.parent = (odl_base *) c;
+  f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
+  f-> = g_strdup ("length");
+  f->base.type = IT_field;
+  f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
+  f->datatype = DT_unsignedint;
+  f->properties = ODL_PROP_NOTNULL;
+  body = g_list_append (body, f);
+  /* add field text classname; */
+  f = alloc_odl_item ();
+  f->base.parent = (odl_base *) c;
+  f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
+  f-> = g_strdup ("classname");
+  f->base.type = IT_field;
+  f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
+  f->datatype = DT_text;
+  f->properties = ODL_PROP_NOTNULL;
+  body = g_list_append (body, f);
+  /* add fields to class */
+  if (c->contents)
+    {
+      c->contents = g_list_concat (c->contents, body);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      c->contents = body;
+    }
-static void make_server_query_handling_classes( odl_module *m )
+static void
+make_server_query_handling_classes (odl_module * m)
-   odl_class *c;
-   odl_field *f;
-   GList *body = NULL;
-   /* GList *fields = NULL; */
-   /* ************************************ */
-   /* make class GEAS::searchcriteria */
-   c = odl_new_class( ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM , "searchcriteria" );
-   odl_container_insert_container( m , c );
-   c->base.parent = (odl_base *)m;
-   body = NULL;
-   /* add field object parent; */
-   f = alloc_odl_item(); 
-   f->base.parent = (odl_base *)c;
-   f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
-   f-> = g_strdup( "parent" );
-   f->base.type = IT_field;
-   f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
-   f->datatype = DT_object;
-   f->properties = ODL_PROP_NONE;
-   f->defaultval = g_strdup("");
-   body = g_list_append( body , f );
-   /* add field char classname<128>; */
-   f = alloc_odl_item(); 
-   f->base.parent = (odl_base *)c;
-   f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
-   f-> = g_strdup( "classname" );
-   f->base.type = IT_field;
-   f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
-   f->datatype = DT_char;
-   f->format = g_strdup("128");
-   f->properties = ODL_PROP_NONE;
-   f->defaultval = g_strdup("unknown");
-   body = g_list_append( body , f );
-   /* add field char orderby<128>; */
-   f = alloc_odl_item(); 
-   f->base.parent = (odl_base *)c;
-   f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
-   f-> = g_strdup( "orderby" );
-   f->base.type = IT_field;
-   f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
-   f->datatype = DT_char;
-   f->format = g_strdup("128");
-   f->properties = ODL_PROP_NONE;
-   f->defaultval = g_strdup("");
-   body = g_list_append( body , f );
-   /* add field bool reverse; */
-   f = alloc_odl_item(); 
-   f->base.parent = (odl_base *)c;
-   f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
-   f-> = g_strdup( "reverse" );
-   f->base.type = IT_field;
-   f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
-   f->datatype = DT_bool;
-   f->properties = ODL_PROP_NONE;
-   f->defaultval = g_strdup("F");
-   body = g_list_append( body , f );
-   /* add field int logic; */
-   f = alloc_odl_item();
-   f->base.parent = (odl_base *)c;
-   f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
-   f-> = g_strdup( "logic" );
-   f->base.type = IT_field;
-   f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
-   f->datatype = DT_int;
-   f->properties = ODL_PROP_NONE;
-   f->defaultval = g_strdup("1");
-   body = g_list_append( body , f );
-   /* add fields to class */
-   if( c->contents )
-     c->contents = g_list_concat( c->contents , body );
-   else
-     c->contents = body;
-   /* ************************************ */
-   /* make class GEAS::searchfield */
-   c = odl_new_class( ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM , "searchfield" );
-   odl_container_insert_container( m , c );
-   c->base.parent = (odl_base *)m;
-   body = NULL;
-   /* add field bool invert; */
-   f = alloc_odl_item(); 
-   f->base.parent = (odl_base *)c;
-   f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
-   f-> = g_strdup( "invert" );
-   f->base.type = IT_field;
-   f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
-   f->datatype = DT_bool;
-   f->properties = ODL_PROP_NONE;
-   f->defaultval = g_strdup("F");
-   body = g_list_append( body , f );
-   /* add field bool casesensitive; */
-   f = alloc_odl_item(); 
-   f->base.parent = (odl_base *)c;
-   f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
-   f-> = g_strdup( "casesensitive" );
-   f->base.type = IT_field;
-   f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
-   f->datatype = DT_bool;
-   f->properties = ODL_PROP_NONE;
-   f->defaultval = g_strdup("F");
-   body = g_list_append( body , f );
-   /* add field int test; */
-   f = alloc_odl_item(); 
-   f->base.parent = (odl_base *)c;
-   f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
-   f-> = g_strdup( "test" );
-   f->base.type = IT_field;
-   f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
-   f->datatype = DT_unsignedint;
-   f->properties = ODL_PROP_NONE;
-   f->defaultval = g_strdup("1");
-   body = g_list_append( body , f );
-   /* add field char field<128>; */
-   f = alloc_odl_item(); 
-   f->base.parent = (odl_base *)c;
-   f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
-   f-> = g_strdup( "field" );
-   f->base.type = IT_field;
-   f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
-   f->datatype = DT_char;
-   f->properties = ODL_PROP_NONE;
-   f->format = g_strdup("128");
-   f->defaultval = g_strdup("");
-   body = g_list_append( body , f );
-   /* add field char value<128>; */
-   f = alloc_odl_item(); 
-   f->base.parent = (odl_base *)c;
-   f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
-   f-> = g_strdup( "value" );
-   f->base.type = IT_field;
-   f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
-   f->datatype = DT_char;
-   f->properties = ODL_PROP_NONE;
-   f->format = g_strdup("128");
-   f->defaultval = g_strdup("");
-   body = g_list_append( body , f );
-   /* add field object constraint; */
-   f = alloc_odl_item(); 
-   f->base.parent = (odl_base *)c;
-   f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
-   f-> = g_strdup( "constraint" );
-   f->base.type = IT_field;
-   f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
-   f->datatype = DT_object;
-   f->properties = ODL_PROP_NONE;
-   body = g_list_append( body , f );
-   /* add fields to class */
-   if( c->contents )
-     c->contents = g_list_concat( c->contents , body );
-   else
-     c->contents = body;
+  odl_class *c;
+  odl_field *f;
+  GList *body = NULL;
+  /* GList *fields = NULL; */
+  /* ************************************ */
+  /* make class GEAS::searchcriteria */
+  c = odl_new_class (ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM, "searchcriteria");
+  odl_container_insert_container (m, c);
+  c->base.parent = (odl_base *) m;
+  body = NULL;
+  /* add field object parent; */
+  f = alloc_odl_item ();
+  f->base.parent = (odl_base *) c;
+  f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
+  f-> = g_strdup ("parent");
+  f->base.type = IT_field;
+  f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
+  f->datatype = DT_object;
+  f->properties = ODL_PROP_NONE;
+  f->defaultval = g_strdup ("");
+  body = g_list_append (body, f);
+  /* add field char classname<128>; */
+  f = alloc_odl_item ();
+  f->base.parent = (odl_base *) c;
+  f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
+  f-> = g_strdup ("classname");
+  f->base.type = IT_field;
+  f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
+  f->datatype = DT_char;
+  f->format = g_strdup ("128");
+  f->properties = ODL_PROP_NONE;
+  f->defaultval = g_strdup ("unknown");
+  body = g_list_append (body, f);
+  /* add field char orderby<128>; */
+  f = alloc_odl_item ();
+  f->base.parent = (odl_base *) c;
+  f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
+  f-> = g_strdup ("orderby");
+  f->base.type = IT_field;
+  f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
+  f->datatype = DT_char;
+  f->format = g_strdup ("128");
+  f->properties = ODL_PROP_NONE;
+  f->defaultval = g_strdup ("");
+  body = g_list_append (body, f);
+  /* add field bool reverse; */
+  f = alloc_odl_item ();
+  f->base.parent = (odl_base *) c;
+  f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
+  f-> = g_strdup ("reverse");
+  f->base.type = IT_field;
+  f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
+  f->datatype = DT_bool;
+  f->properties = ODL_PROP_NONE;
+  f->defaultval = g_strdup ("F");
+  body = g_list_append (body, f);
+  /* add field int logic; */
+  f = alloc_odl_item ();
+  f->base.parent = (odl_base *) c;
+  f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
+  f-> = g_strdup ("logic");
+  f->base.type = IT_field;
+  f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
+  f->datatype = DT_int;
+  f->properties = ODL_PROP_NONE;
+  f->defaultval = g_strdup ("1");
+  body = g_list_append (body, f);
+  /* add fields to class */
+  if (c->contents)
+    {
+      c->contents = g_list_concat (c->contents, body);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      c->contents = body;
+    }
+  /* ************************************ */
+  /* make class GEAS::searchfield */
+  c = odl_new_class (ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM, "searchfield");
+  odl_container_insert_container (m, c);
+  c->base.parent = (odl_base *) m;
+  body = NULL;
+  /* add field bool invert; */
+  f = alloc_odl_item ();
+  f->base.parent = (odl_base *) c;
+  f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
+  f-> = g_strdup ("invert");
+  f->base.type = IT_field;
+  f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
+  f->datatype = DT_bool;
+  f->properties = ODL_PROP_NONE;
+  f->defaultval = g_strdup ("F");
+  body = g_list_append (body, f);
+  /* add field bool casesensitive; */
+  f = alloc_odl_item ();
+  f->base.parent = (odl_base *) c;
+  f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
+  f-> = g_strdup ("casesensitive");
+  f->base.type = IT_field;
+  f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
+  f->datatype = DT_bool;
+  f->properties = ODL_PROP_NONE;
+  f->defaultval = g_strdup ("F");
+  body = g_list_append (body, f);
+  /* add field int test; */
+  f = alloc_odl_item ();
+  f->base.parent = (odl_base *) c;
+  f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
+  f-> = g_strdup ("test");
+  f->base.type = IT_field;
+  f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
+  f->datatype = DT_unsignedint;
+  f->properties = ODL_PROP_NONE;
+  f->defaultval = g_strdup ("1");
+  body = g_list_append (body, f);
+  /* add field char field<128>; */
+  f = alloc_odl_item ();
+  f->base.parent = (odl_base *) c;
+  f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
+  f-> = g_strdup ("field");
+  f->base.type = IT_field;
+  f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
+  f->datatype = DT_char;
+  f->properties = ODL_PROP_NONE;
+  f->format = g_strdup ("128");
+  f->defaultval = g_strdup ("");
+  body = g_list_append (body, f);
+  /* add field char value<128>; */
+  f = alloc_odl_item ();
+  f->base.parent = (odl_base *) c;
+  f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
+  f-> = g_strdup ("value");
+  f->base.type = IT_field;
+  f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
+  f->datatype = DT_char;
+  f->properties = ODL_PROP_NONE;
+  f->format = g_strdup ("128");
+  f->defaultval = g_strdup ("");
+  body = g_list_append (body, f);
+  /* add field object constraint; */
+  f = alloc_odl_item ();
+  f->base.parent = (odl_base *) c;
+  f->base.access = ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM;
+  f-> = g_strdup ("constraint");
+  f->base.type = IT_field;
+  f->fieldtype = FT_basic;
+  f->datatype = DT_object;
+  f->properties = ODL_PROP_NONE;
+  body = g_list_append (body, f);
+  /* add fields to class */
+  if (c->contents)
+    {
+      c->contents = g_list_concat (c->contents, body);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      c->contents = body;
+    }
 /* main function */
@@ -424,22 +455,23 @@
  * Calls a number of other functions to make classes used by different
  * parts of the system.
-static void make_server_classes( void )
+static void
+make_server_classes (void)
-   odl_module *m;
+  odl_module *m;
-   /* create GEAS module */
-   m = odl_new_module( ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM , "geas" );
-   if( m )
-     {
-       odl_container_insert_container( odl_tree_get_root(all_classes) , m );
-     }
-   /* make classes */
-   make_server_list_handling_classes( m );
-   make_server_security_classes( m );
-   make_server_transaction_classes( m );
-   make_server_query_handling_classes( m );
+  /* create GEAS module */
+  m = odl_new_module (ODL_ACCESS_SYSTEM, "geas");
+  if (m)
+    {
+      odl_container_insert_container (odl_tree_get_root (all_classes), m);
+    }
+  /* make classes */
+  make_server_list_handling_classes (m);
+  make_server_security_classes (m);
+  make_server_transaction_classes (m);
+  make_server_query_handling_classes (m);

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