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gnue/designer/src/forms LayoutEditor.py
From: |
Jason Cater |
Subject: |
gnue/designer/src/forms LayoutEditor.py |
Date: |
Fri, 25 Jan 2002 22:29:31 -0500 |
CVSROOT: /home/cvs
Module name: gnue
Changes by: Jason Cater <address@hidden> 02/01/25 22:29:30
Modified files:
designer/src/forms: LayoutEditor.py
Log message:
all kinds of nifty new mouse functions like cross-hair selection of
widgets, cross-hair width/height of new widgets, etc
Index: gnue/designer/src/forms/LayoutEditor.py
diff -c gnue/designer/src/forms/LayoutEditor.py:1.7
*** gnue/designer/src/forms/LayoutEditor.py:1.7 Fri Jan 25 18:46:17 2002
--- gnue/designer/src/forms/LayoutEditor.py Fri Jan 25 22:29:30 2002
*** 66,71 ****
--- 66,73 ----
self.widgetList = []
self.mode = 'move'
+ self.__x = 0
+ self.__y = 0
instance.rootObject.walk (self.inventoryObject)
*** 259,269 ****
EVT_CHAR(self.panel, self.keyTrap)
EVT_LEFT_UP(self.panel, self.OnLeftUp)
EVT_RIGHT_UP(self.panel, self.OnRightUp)
def __drawItem(self, object):
if self.widgets.has_key(object.getObjectType()) and \
(not hasattr(object, 'hidden') or not object.hidden):
--- 261,273 ----
EVT_CHAR(self.panel, self.keyTrap)
+ EVT_LEFT_DOWN(self.panel, self.OnLeftDown)
+ EVT_MOTION(self.panel, self.OnMotion)
EVT_LEFT_UP(self.panel, self.OnLeftUp)
EVT_RIGHT_UP(self.panel, self.OnRightUp)
def __drawItem(self, object):
if self.widgets.has_key(object.getObjectType()) and \
(not hasattr(object, 'hidden') or not object.hidden):
*** 300,374 ****
self._instance.onSetCurrentObject(b, None)
! def OnLeftUp(self, event):
! for selection in self._currentSelection.keys():
! selection.setSelected(0)
! self._currentSelection = {}
! if self.mode == 'move':
! event.Skip()
! return
! x, y = event.GetPositionTuple()
! x = int(x / self.gridWidth)
! y = int(y / self.gridHeight)
- mode = self.mode
- self.toolbar.resetTool(mode)
- self.mode = 'move'
- type = None
- attributes = {'x':x,'y':y}
- parent = self.block
- checkblock = 1
! if mode in ('box','button','label'):
! parent = self.page
! type = mode
! checkblock = 0
! elif modeEntryMap.has_key(mode):
! type = 'entry'
! attributes.update(modeEntryMap[mode])
! elif mode in ('scrollbar',):
! type = 'scrollbar'
! # Create a new block if one is needed and none exists
! if checkblock and self.block is None:
! parent = Incubator.createObject(
! 'block',
! parent=self.page,
! attributes={})
! if type is not None:
! #
! # Create our new object
! #
! object = Incubator.createObject(
! self._instance,
! self._instance.rootObject,
! type,
! parent=parent,
! attributes=attributes)
! self._currentSelection[object._widgetHandler] = 1
! object._widgetHandler.setSelected(1)
! event.Skip()
- def OnRightUp(self, event):
self.mode = 'move'
--- 304,451 ----
self._instance.onSetCurrentObject(b, None)
! def OnLeftDown(self, event):
! # Save starting coordinates for cross-selection box
! x, y = event.GetPositionTuple()
! self.panel.SetCursor(wxCROSS_CURSOR)
! x = int(x / self.gridWidth) * self.gridWidth
! y = int(y / self.gridHeight) * self.gridHeight
! self.__brush = wxBrush(wxWHITE, style=wxTRANSPARENT)
! self.__x = x
! self.__y = y
! self.__ox = None
! self.__oy = None
! event.Skip()
+ # Used by the dragging routines to draw a selection box
+ def xorBox(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3=None, y3=None):
+ dc = wxClientDC(self.panel)
+ dc.SetBrush(self.__brush)
+ dc.SetPen(wxGREY_PEN)
+ dc.SetLogicalFunction(wxXOR)
+ if x3 != None:
+ dc.DrawRectangle(x1,y1,x3-x1,y3-y1)
+ dc.DrawRectangle(x1,y1,x2-x1,y2-y1)
+ def OnMotion(self, event):
+ # draw cross-selection box
+ if event.LeftIsDown():
+ x, y = event.GetPositionTuple()
+ self.xorBox(self.__x, self.__y, x, y, self.__ox, self.__oy)
+ self.__ox = x
+ self.__oy = y
+ event.Skip()
+ def OnLeftUp(self, event):
+ for selection in self._currentSelection.keys():
+ selection.setSelected(0)
+ self._currentSelection = {}
+ if self.__ox != None:
+ self.xorBox(self.__x, self.__y, self.__ox, self.__oy)
+ self.__ox = None
+ self.__oy = None
+ x, y = event.GetPositionTuple()
+ # Set x1,y1 to be smaller coordinates, and x2,y2 to be larger
+ x1, x2 = order(int(self.__x / self.gridWidth), int(x / self.gridWidth))
+ y1, y2 = order(int(self.__y / self.gridHeight),int(y / self.gridHeight))
! self.panel.SetCursor(wxSTANDARD_CURSOR)
! areaSelected = (x1 <> x2 or y1 <> y2)
! if self.mode == 'move':
! if areaSelected:
! # We are selecting an area
! self.page.walk(self.selectWidgetInArea, x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ else:
! # We are creating a widget
! mode = self.mode
! self.toolbar.resetTool(mode)
! self.mode = 'move'
! type = None
! attributes = {'x' : x1, 'y' : y1}
! parent = self.block
! checkblock = 1
! if areaSelected:
! attributes['width'] = x2 - x1 + 1
! attributes['height'] = y2 - y1 + 1
! if mode in ('box','button','label'):
! parent = self.page
! type = mode
! checkblock = 0
! elif modeEntryMap.has_key(mode):
! type = 'entry'
! attributes.update(modeEntryMap[mode])
! elif mode in ('scrollbar',):
! type = 'scrollbar'
! # Create a new block if one is needed and none exists
! if checkblock and self.block is None:
! parent = Incubator.createObject(
! self._instance,
! self._instance.rootObject,
! 'block',
! parent=self.page,
! attributes={})
! if type is not None:
! #
! # Create our new object
! #
! object = Incubator.createObject(
! type,
! parent=parent,
! attributes=attributes)
! self._currentSelection[object._widgetHandler] = 1
! object._widgetHandler.setSelected(1)
! event.Skip()
+ def selectWidgetInArea(self, object, x1, y1, x2, y2):
+ try:
+ if x1 <= object.x <= x2 and \
+ y1 <= object.y <= y2:
+ self._currentSelection[object._widgetHandler] = 1
+ object._widgetHandler.setSelected(1)
+ except AttributeError:
+ # Not all child objects have coordinates (x,y)
+ pass
+ def OnRightUp(self, event):
self.mode = 'move'
*** 510,540 ****
def OnLeftDown(self, event):
- print "OnLeftDown"
self.mouseStartX, self.mouseStartY = event.GetPositionTuple()
self._iMoved = 0
if not self.instance._currentSelection.has_key(self):
- self._alreadySelected = 1
self.instance._currentSelection[self] = 1
def beginDragDrop(self, event):
- print "beginDragDrop"
# Drag and drop TODO: This needs changed to pull all selected widgets
object = self.object
data = [ { "Type" : "selectedWidgets",
! "Attributes": {'startingX': object.x,
! 'startingY': object.y,
! }
# "name": dname,
# "table": object.name,
--- 587,619 ----
def OnLeftDown(self, event):
self.mouseStartX, self.mouseStartY = event.GetPositionTuple()
self._iMoved = 0
if not self.instance._currentSelection.has_key(self):
self.instance._currentSelection[self] = 1
+ self._alreadySelected = 0
+ else:
+ self._alreadySelected = 1
def beginDragDrop(self, event):
# Drag and drop TODO: This needs changed to pull all selected widgets
object = self.object
+ x,y = event.GetPositionTuple()
data = [ { "Type" : "selectedWidgets",
! "Attributes": {
! 'startingX': object.x + int(x/self.instance.gridWidth),
! 'startingY': object.y + int(y/self.instance.gridHeight),
! }
# "name": dname,
# "table": object.name,
*** 544,560 ****
do = wxCustomDataObject(wxCustomDataFormat("GNUeDesVisualElement"))
! # icon = FeedbackBitmap(10,10).icon()
! dropSource = MoveDropSource(self, self.instance) #, icon)
result = dropSource.DoDragDrop(true)
- print "EndDragDrop"
def OnLeftUp(self, event):
- print "OnLeftUp"
if self._iMoved:
self._iMoved = 0
elif not event.ShiftDown():
--- 623,636 ----
do = wxCustomDataObject(wxCustomDataFormat("GNUeDesVisualElement"))
! ## icon = FeedbackBitmap(10,10).icon()
! dropSource = MoveDropSource(self, self.instance)
result = dropSource.DoDragDrop(true)
def OnLeftUp(self, event):
if self._iMoved:
self._iMoved = 0
elif not event.ShiftDown():
*** 672,720 ****
wxDropSource.__init__(self, *args, **parms)
def GiveFeedback(self, effect, scrolling=0):
- ## print "Giving feedback"
return 0
! class FeedbackBitmap:
! def __init__(self, width, height):
! if width < 2: width = 2
! if height < 2: height = 2
! topbot = ". " * int(width/2) + divmod(width,2)[1] * '.'
! mid = '".' + " " * width -2 + '.",\n'
! xpm = '/* XPM */\n' \
! + 'static char * text1_xpm[] = {' \
! + '"%s %s 2 1",' \
! + '" g None",' \
! + '". g #000000",' % (width, height) \
! + topbot + "\n"
! xpm += mid * (height - 2) + topbot + "};\n"
! print xpm
! self.bitmap=wxNullIcon
! print self.bitmap
! dc = wxMemoryDC()
! dc.SelectObject(self.bitmap)
! dc.BeginDrawing()
! dc.DrawRectangle(0,0,width, height)
! dc.SetBrush(wxBLACK_BRUSH)
! dc.SetPen(wxBLACK_PEN)
! dc.EndDrawing()
! # self._icon = wxIcon(width, height)
! print self.bitmap
! def icon(self):
! # return self._icon
! return self.bitmap
--- 748,795 ----
wxDropSource.__init__(self, *args, **parms)
def GiveFeedback(self, effect, scrolling=0):
return 0
! ##class FeedbackBitmap:
! ## def __init__(self, width, height):
! ##
! ## if width < 2: width = 2
! ## if height < 2: height = 2
! ##
! ### topbot = '"' + ". " * int(width/2) + divmod(width,2)[1] * '.' + '"'
! ## topbot = '"' + ".." * int(width/2) + divmod(width,2)[1] * '.' + '"'
! ## mid = '".' + " " * (width - 2) + '.",\n'
! ##
! ## xpm = '/* XPM */\n' \
! ## + 'static char * text1_xpm[] = {\n' \
! ## + '"%s %s 2 1",\n' % (width, height) \
! ## + '" g None",\n' \
! ## + '". g #000000",\n' \
! ## + topbot + '\n' \
! ## + mid * (height - 2) + topbot + '};\n'
! ##
! ## print xpm
! ##
! ## self.bitmap=wxResourceRegisterIconData("mymoveicon",xpm)
! ## print self.bitmap
! ### dc = wxMemoryDC()
! ### dc.SelectObject(self.bitmap)
! ### dc.BeginDrawing()
! ### dc.DrawRectangle(0,0,width, height)
! ### dc.SetBrush(wxBLACK_BRUSH)
! ### dc.SetPen(wxBLACK_PEN)
! ### dc.EndDrawing()
! ### self._icon = wxIcon(width, height)
! ## print self.bitmap
! ##
! ##
! ## def icon(self):
! ### return self._icon
! ## return self.bitmap
*** 1165,1171 ****
attributes['y'] = y
# Create our new object
--- 1240,1245 ----
*** 1181,1186 ****
--- 1255,1269 ----
return d # what is returned signals the source what to do
# with the original data (move, copy, etc.) In this
# case we just return the suggested value given to us.
+ #
+ # Convenience function for inplace sorting
+ #
+ def order(*p):
+ rv = list(p) # Convert the tuple to a list
+ rv.sort()
+ return rv
modeEntryMap = {
- gnue/designer/src/forms LayoutEditor.py, Jason Cater, 2002/01/22
- gnue/designer/src/forms LayoutEditor.py, James Thompson, 2002/01/25
- gnue/designer/src/forms LayoutEditor.py, Jason Cater, 2002/01/25
- gnue/designer/src/forms LayoutEditor.py, Jason Cater, 2002/01/25
- gnue/designer/src/forms LayoutEditor.py,
Jason Cater <=
- gnue/designer/src/forms LayoutEditor.py, Jason Cater, 2002/01/26
- gnue/designer/src/forms LayoutEditor.py, Jason Cater, 2002/01/26