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(no subject)

Subject: (no subject)
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 01:12:32 -0800



My name is Ben Nitiee, the Eastern District Manager of United Bank for
Africa Plc. (UBA). There was a domiciliary account opened in this bank in
September 1980, in the name of Mr. Charles B. Smith, an expatriate who
then was the manager of Petroleum & Technical Support services. The
account was operated for about 1 year and 6 months after which it became
dormant for about 8 1/2 years. Mr. Smith died in June 1990 in an auto

After going through some old files, I observed that the account owner's
next of kin is his wife who died with him in the auto crash. This has then
made it impossible for anyone to lay claims to the funds deposited in the
account. The top echelons of the bank are also unaware of the details of
this account because of its length of dormancy. The amount left in the
account is US$18,372,000.00. I have observed that if I do not transfer
this money out of the country, it would be forfeited. 

I therefore want to transfer this money into a foreign account of an
individual or corporate body for safekeeping and investments. Since the
funds belongs to a foreigner, it is then necessary that only a foreigner
can lay claims to it, this is where your co-operation and partnership is
needed. And with my position and knowledge of the history of the account,
the transaction would be a huge success. 

I propose a meeting between us as soon as you indicate your willingness to
co-operate with me in this transaction and a sharing formula of 60% for
me, 30% for you and 10% to reimburse incidental expenses in the course of
the transaction. The transfer of the money to your mandated account will
take 72 hours. 

I look forward to your response by e-mail and also include your private
telephone and fax numbers for more confidential discussions. 

Yours sincerely, 

Ben Nitiee
You can as well email: address@hidden


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