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gnue/forms/src/uidrivers/gtk2 UILoginHandler.py
From: |
Jan Ischebeck |
Subject: |
gnue/forms/src/uidrivers/gtk2 UILoginHandler.py |
Date: |
Sun, 01 Jun 2003 13:02:38 -0400 |
CVSROOT: /cvsroot/gnue
Module name: gnue
Changes by: Jan Ischebeck <address@hidden> 03/06/01 13:02:38
Modified files:
forms/src/uidrivers/gtk2: UILoginHandler.py
Log message:
closes ticket #183 and make UILoginHandler usable
Index: gnue/forms/src/uidrivers/gtk2/UILoginHandler.py
diff -c gnue/forms/src/uidrivers/gtk2/UILoginHandler.py:1.1
*** gnue/forms/src/uidrivers/gtk2/UILoginHandler.py:1.1 Sat May 17 10:46:04 2003
--- gnue/forms/src/uidrivers/gtk2/UILoginHandler.py Sun Jun 1 13:02:37 2003
*** 19,25 ****
# Copyright 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation
! # UILoginHandler.py
# Part of the gtk2 based user interface driver for GNUe forms.
--- 19,25 ----
# Copyright 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation
! # gtk2/UILoginHandler.py
# Part of the gtk2 based user interface driver for GNUe forms.
*** 30,36 ****
import string
import os.path
! from gtk import *
from gnue.common.datasources import GLoginHandler
from gnue.common.apps import GConfig
--- 30,36 ----
import string
import os.path
! import gtk
from gnue.common.datasources import GLoginHandler
from gnue.common.apps import GConfig
*** 45,403 ****
- #
- # UILoginHandler
- #
- class UILoginHandler(GLoginHandler.LoginHandler):
- def __init__(self):
- global loginWindow
- loginWindow=gtk.Window()
- loginWindow.set_title(_("LOGIN WINDOW"))
- loginWindow.set_border_width(8)
- #$loginWindow.connect('destroy', lambda win: gtk.main_quit())
- self.dlg = None
- def getLogin(self, loginData, errortext=None):#"Invalid username/password"):
- if 1: # TODO: This is left here to prevent me from having to unindent
this code
- # TODO: Since the UI stuff is currently being gutted I'm not
wasting the time
- # TODO: to do the right thing
- if len(loginData[1]):
- loginMesg = _('Login required for\n"%s"') % (loginData[1])
- else:
- loginMesg = _('Login required for %s') % (loginData[0])
- self.dlg = gtk.Dialog(_("GNU Enterprise: Login to %s") % loginData[0],
- table1 = gtk.Table(len(loginData[2])+10, 6) # row, column
- table1.set_row_spacings(4)
- table1.set_col_spacings(4)
- bmp = gtk.Image()
- if os.path.isabs(gConfigForms('loginPNG')):
- imageFile = gConfigForms('loginPNG')
- else:
- imageFile = images_dir+gConfigForms('loginPNG')
- bmp.set_from_file(imageFile)
- messageField = gtk.Label(str(loginMesg))
- # left, right, top, bottom
- table1.attach_defaults(bmp,1,3,0,1)
- table1.attach_defaults(messageField,1,3,2,3)
- self.textEntryList = []
- labelList = []
- xSpacing = 0
- ySpacing = 0
- fieldLabelWidth = 0
- raghav=gtk.Entry()
- raghav.set_visibility(0)
- for prompt in loginData[2]:
- s = gtk.Label('%s:' % prompt[1])
- s.set_use_underline(gtk.TRUE)
- labelList.append(s)
- if prompt[2]:
- t = gtk.Entry()
- t.set_visibility(0)
- else:
- t = gtk.Entry()
- myID = len(self.textEntryList)
- self.textEntryList.append(t)
- #$EVT_CHAR(t, LoginFieldHandler(self, myID).loginFieldEventTrap)
- #$fieldLabelWidth = max(fieldLabelWidth,
- #$s.GetSize().GetWidth() + t.GetSize().GetWidth() + 10)
- #$dlgWidth = max(dlgWidth, \
- #$s.GetSize().GetWidth() + t.GetSize().GetWidth() + 20)
- #$xSpacing = max(xSpacing, s.GetSize().GetWidth())
- #$ySpacing = max(ySpacing, s.GetSize().GetHeight())
- #$ySpacing = max(ySpacing, t.GetSize().GetHeight())
- #$loginId = wxNewId()
- #$cancelId = wxNewId()
- #$dlgWidth = max(dlgWidth, loginButton.GetSize().GetWidth() +
- #$cancelButton.GetSize().GetWidth() + 6) + 20
- #$dlgHeight += max(loginButton.GetSize().GetHeight(),
- #$cancelButton.GetSize().GetHeight()) - 6
- #$if errortext:
- #$errorField = WrappedStaticText(self.dlg, -1, str(errortext), 300,
- #$style=wxALIGN_CENTER)
- #$errorField.SetForegroundColour(wxColour(223,0,0))
- #$dlgWidth = max(dlgWidth, errorField.GetSize().width+10)
- #$dlgHeight += errorField.GetSize().height + 6
- #$firstY = bmp.GetHeight() + messageField.GetSize().GetHeight() + 50
- #$lastY = firstY
- #$xSpacing += 10 # Add whitespace between widgets
- #$ySpacing += 6 # Add whitespace between widgets
- #$xPos = dlgWidth/2 - fieldLabelWidth/2
- num_rows=len(loginData[2])
- # Move the fields and labels into position
- for i in range(0, len(self.textEntryList)):
- table1.attach_defaults(labelList[i],1,2,i+3,i+4)
- table1.attach_defaults(self.textEntryList[i],2,3,i+3,i+4)
- if errortext:
- errorField = gtk.Label(str(errortext))
- t = len(self.textEntryList)
- table1.attach_defaults(errorField,1,3,t+4,t+5)
- #$if errortext:
- #$errorField.SetPosition(
- #$wxPoint(dlgWidth/2 - errorField.GetSize().width/2,
- #$lastY+3))
- # Set the focus to the first text entry field
- #$self.textctrlList[0].SetFocus()
- # Create and position the logo
- #$wxStaticBitmap(self.dlg,-1, bmp,
- #$wxPoint((dlgWidth-bmp.GetWidth())/2, 12),
- #$wxSize(bmp.GetWidth(), bmp.GetHeight()))
- # Move the various widgets into position
- #$messageField.SetPosition(
- #$wxPoint(dlgWidth/2 - messageField.GetSize().GetWidth()/2,
- #$30 + bmp.GetHeight()))
- #$cancelButton.SetPosition(
- #$wxPoint(dlgWidth - 10 - cancelButton.GetSize().GetWidth(),
- #$dlgHeight - 10 - max(loginButton.GetSize().GetHeight(),
- #$loginButton.SetPosition(
- #$wxPoint(dlgWidth - 16 - cancelButton.GetSize().GetWidth() - \
- #$loginButton.GetSize().GetWidth(),
- #$dlgHeight - 10 - max(loginButton.GetSize().GetHeight(),
- #$self.loginButton = loginButton
- #$self.dlg.SetSize(wxSize(dlgWidth, dlgHeight))
- #$loginWindow.show_all()
- #$gtk.main()
- self.dlg.vbox.pack_start(table1, gtk.TRUE, gtk.TRUE, 0)
- self.dlg.set_position(1) #for center
- self.dlg.show_all()
- response=self.dlg.run()
- if response==gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
- self.loginCompleted(1)
- else:
- self.loginCompleted(0)
- raise GLoginHandler.UserCanceledLogin
- # To close this window when 'Login' is clicked
- self.destroyLoginDialog()
- rv = {}
- for i in range(0, len(loginData[2])):
- rv[loginData[2][i][0]] = self.textEntryList[i].get_text()
- return rv
- #
- # Login is completed, for whatever reason
- #
- def loginCompleted(self, successful):
- self._completed = successful
- #$print "inside login completed"
- GDebug.printMesg(1, "inside login completed")
- #$self.dlg.EndModal(1)
- #
- # Called when user clicks "login"
- #
- #$def loginButtonEventTrap(self, event):
- #$self.loginCompleted(1)
- #self.destroyLoginDialog() #this does not work
- #
- # Called when user clicks "cancel"
- #
- #$def loginCancelEventTrap(self, event):
- #$self.loginCompleted(0)
- #
- # TODO: This is a hack required because windows
- # TODO: seems to have issues with wxWindows dialogs
- #
- def destroyLoginDialog(self):
- #$print "inside destroy login dialog"
- GDebug.printMesg(1, "inside destroy login dialog")
- self.dlg.destroy()
- loginWindow.destroy()
- #$self.dlg.Destroy()
- #
- # UILoginHandler
- #
class UILoginHandler(GLoginHandler.LoginHandler):
def __init__(self):
- #self._wxapp = getWxApp()
self.dlg = None
# Hack for McMillan packaging on win32
def getDummyLogin(self):
! self.dlg = wxDialog(NULL, -1,'dummy')
! self.destroyLoginDialog()
! def getLogin(self, loginData, errortext=None):#"Invalid username/password"):
! return
! if 1: # TODO: This is left here to prevent me from having to unindent
this code
! # TODO: Since the UI stuff is currently being gutted I'm not
wasting the time
! # TODO: to do the right thing
! if len(loginData[1]):
! loginMesg = _('Login required for\n"%s"') % (loginData[1])
! else:
! loginMesg = _('Login required for %s') % (loginData[0])
! self.dlg = wxDialog(NULL, -1, _("GNU Enterprise: Login to %s") %
! self.dlg.SetAutoLayout(true)
! if os.path.isabs(gConfigForms('loginPNG')):
! imageFile = gConfigForms('loginPNG')
! else:
! imageFile = images_dir+gConfigForms('loginPNG')
! bmp = wxImage(imageFile, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG).ConvertToBitmap()
! messageField = WrappedStaticText(self.dlg, -1, str(loginMesg), 300,
! self.textctrlList = []
! labelList = []
! dlgWidth = max(bmp.GetWidth(), messageField.GetSize().GetWidth()+20)
! dlgHeight = bmp.GetHeight() + messageField.GetSize().GetHeight() + 80
! xSpacing = 0
! ySpacing = 0
! fieldLabelWidth = 0
! for prompt in loginData[2]:
! s = wxStaticText(self.dlg, -1, '%s:' % prompt[1])
! labelList.append(s)
! if prompt[2]:
! t = wxTextCtrl(self.dlg, -1,"",wxPoint(1, 1), wxSize(150, 20),
! else:
! t = wxTextCtrl(self.dlg, -1,"",wxPoint(1, 1), wxSize(150, 20),
! myID = len(self.textctrlList)
! self.textctrlList.append(t)
! EVT_CHAR(t, LoginFieldHandler(self, myID).loginFieldEventTrap)
! fieldLabelWidth = max(fieldLabelWidth,
! s.GetSize().GetWidth() + t.GetSize().GetWidth() + 10)
! dlgWidth = max(dlgWidth, \
! s.GetSize().GetWidth() + t.GetSize().GetWidth() + 20)
! xSpacing = max(xSpacing, s.GetSize().GetWidth())
! ySpacing = max(ySpacing, s.GetSize().GetHeight())
! ySpacing = max(ySpacing, t.GetSize().GetHeight())
! loginId = wxNewId()
! cancelId = wxNewId()
! loginButton = wxButton(self.dlg,loginId,_('Login'))
! cancelButton = wxButton(self.dlg,cancelId,_('Cancel'))
! EVT_BUTTON(self.dlg, loginId, self.loginButtonEventTrap)
! EVT_BUTTON(self.dlg, cancelId, self.loginCancelEventTrap)
! dlgWidth = max(dlgWidth, loginButton.GetSize().GetWidth() +
! cancelButton.GetSize().GetWidth() + 6) + 20
! dlgHeight += max(loginButton.GetSize().GetHeight(),
! cancelButton.GetSize().GetHeight()) - 6
! if errortext:
! errorField = WrappedStaticText(self.dlg, -1, str(errortext), 300,
! style=wxALIGN_CENTER)
! errorField.SetForegroundColour(wxColour(223,0,0))
! dlgWidth = max(dlgWidth, errorField.GetSize().width+10)
! dlgHeight += errorField.GetSize().height + 6
! firstY = bmp.GetHeight() + messageField.GetSize().GetHeight() + 50
! lastY = firstY
! xSpacing += 10 # Add whitespace between widgets
! ySpacing += 6 # Add whitespace between widgets
! xPos = dlgWidth/2 - fieldLabelWidth/2
! # Move the fields and labels into position
! for i in range(0, len(self.textctrlList)):
! dlgHeight = dlgHeight + ySpacing
! labelList[i].SetPosition(wxPoint(xPos, lastY))
! self.textctrlList[i].SetPosition(wxPoint(xPos + xSpacing, lastY))
! lastY = lastY + ySpacing
! if errortext:
! errorField.SetPosition(
! wxPoint(dlgWidth/2 - errorField.GetSize().width/2,
! lastY+3))
! # Set the focus to the first text entry field
! self.textctrlList[0].SetFocus()
! # Create and position the logo
! wxStaticBitmap(self.dlg,-1, bmp,
! wxPoint((dlgWidth-bmp.GetWidth())/2, 12),
! wxSize(bmp.GetWidth(), bmp.GetHeight()))
! # Move the various widgets into position
! messageField.SetPosition(
! wxPoint(dlgWidth/2 - messageField.GetSize().GetWidth()/2,
! 30 + bmp.GetHeight()))
! cancelButton.SetPosition(
! wxPoint(dlgWidth - 10 - cancelButton.GetSize().GetWidth(),
! dlgHeight - 10 - max(loginButton.GetSize().GetHeight(),
! loginButton.SetPosition(
! wxPoint(dlgWidth - 16 - cancelButton.GetSize().GetWidth() - \
! loginButton.GetSize().GetWidth(),
! dlgHeight - 10 - max(loginButton.GetSize().GetHeight(),
! self.loginButton = loginButton
! self.dlg.SetSize(wxSize(dlgWidth, dlgHeight))
! self.dlg.Refresh()
! self.dlg.Fit()
! self.dlg.Raise()
! self.dlg.CenterOnScreen()
! # If user cancels, this will be set to 0
! self._completed = 0
! self.dlg.ShowModal()
! if not self._completed:
raise GLoginHandler.UserCanceledLogin
rv = {}
for i in range(0, len(loginData[2])):
! rv[loginData[2][i][0]] = self.textctrlList[i].GetValue()
return rv
--- 45,141 ----
class UILoginHandler(GLoginHandler.LoginHandler):
def __init__(self):
self.dlg = None
# Hack for McMillan packaging on win32
+ # TODO: do we need that?
def getDummyLogin(self):
! pass
! def getLogin(self, loginData, errortext=None):
! if len(loginData[1]):
! loginMesg = _('Login required for\n"%s"') % (loginData[1])
! else:
! loginMesg = _('Login required for %s') % (loginData[0])
! self.dlg = gtk.Dialog(_("GNU Enterprise: Login to %s") % loginData[0],
! None, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL,
! (_("_LOGIN"), gtk.RESPONSE_OK,
! table1 = gtk.Table(len(loginData[2])+10, 6) # row, column
! table1.set_row_spacings(4)
! table1.set_col_spacings(4)
! bmp = gtk.Image()
! if os.path.isabs(gConfigForms('loginPNG')):
! imageFile = gConfigForms('loginPNG')
! else:
! imageFile = images_dir+gConfigForms('loginPNG')
! bmp.set_from_file(imageFile)
! table1.attach_defaults(bmp,1,3,0,1)
! messageField = gtk.Label(str(loginMesg))
! table1.attach_defaults(messageField,1,3,2,3)
! self.textEntryList = []
! labelList = []
! for prompt in loginData[2]:
! # Build label
! s = gtk.Label('%s:' % prompt[1])
! s.set_use_underline(gtk.TRUE)
! labelList.append(s)
! # Build entry fields
! t = gtk.Entry()
! # set visibility to 0 for password fields
! if prompt[2]:
! t.set_visibility(0)
! myID = len(self.textEntryList)
! self.textEntryList.append(t)
! t.connect("key-press-event", self.keyPressHandler, myID)
! num_rows=len(loginData[2])
! # Add labels and entry fields to layout
! for i in range(0, len(self.textEntryList)):
! table1.attach_defaults(labelList[i],1,2,i+3,i+4)
! table1.attach_defaults(self.textEntryList[i],2,3,i+3,i+4)
! if errortext:
! errorField = gtk.Label(str(errortext))
! t = len(self.textEntryList)
! table1.attach_defaults(errorField,1,3,t+4,t+5)
! # focus first entry
! self.textEntryList[0].grab_focus()
! self.dlg.vbox.pack_start(table1, gtk.TRUE, gtk.TRUE, 0)
! self.dlg.set_position(1) #for center
! self.dlg.show_all()
! response=self.dlg.run()
! if response==gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
! self.loginCompleted(1)
! else:
! self.loginCompleted(0)
raise GLoginHandler.UserCanceledLogin
+ # get loginData
rv = {}
for i in range(0, len(loginData[2])):
! rv[loginData[2][i][0]] = self.textEntryList[i].get_text()
return rv
*** 406,481 ****
def loginCompleted(self, successful):
self._completed = successful
- self.dlg.EndModal(1)
! # Called when user clicks "login"
! def loginButtonEventTrap(self, event):
! self.loginCompleted(1)
! #
! # Called when user clicks "cancel"
! #
! def loginCancelEventTrap(self, event):
! self.loginCompleted(0)
! #
! # TODO: This is a hack required because windows
! # TODO: seems to have issues with wxWindows dialogs
! #
! def destroyLoginDialog(self):
! self.dlg.Destroy()
! #
! # LoginFieldHandler
! #
! # Used by the login handler
! # enables the user to press return and have it jump to the next box
! #
! class LoginFieldHandler:
! def __init__(self, app, seq):
! self.app = app
! self.seq = seq
! def loginFieldEventTrap(self, event):
! if event.KeyCode() in (WXK_RETURN, WXK_TAB):
! if self.seq < len(self.app.textctrlList) - 1:
! self.app.textctrlList[self.seq+1].SetFocus()
! else:
! if event.KeyCode() == WXK_TAB:
! if event.ShiftDown():
! self.app.textctrlList[self.seq-1].SetFocus()
! else:
! self.app.loginButton.SetFocus()
! else:
! self.app.loginCompleted(1)
! else:
! event.Skip()
! ## class WrappedStaticText(wxStaticText):
! ## def __init__(self, parent, id, label, width, *args, **params):
! ## wxStaticText.__init__(self, parent, id, "bah!", *args, **params)
! ## textSoFar = ""
! ## thisLine = ""
! ## for part in string.split(label,'\n'):
! ## for word in string.split(part):
! ## self.SetLabel(thisLine + word)
! ## if self.GetSize().width > width:
! ## textSoFar += thisLine + " \n"
! ## thisLine = word + " "
! ## else:
! ## thisLine += word + " "
! ## textSoFar += thisLine + " \n"
! ## thisLine = ""
! ## if len(textSoFar):
! ## self.SetLabel(string.replace(textSoFar,' \n','\n')[:-1])
! ## else:
! ## self.SetLabel("")
--- 144,166 ----
def loginCompleted(self, successful):
self._completed = successful
! # Called when user presses a key
! # -- interupts event chain, if ENTER was pressed
! def keyPressHandler(self, widget, event, myID):
! if event.type!=gtk.gdk.KEY_PRESS:
! return
! # Check if ENTER is pressed:
! if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Return and \
! not event.state:
! try:
! # move to next Entry in List
! self.textEntryList[myID+1].grab_focus()
! except IndexError:
! # for the last event in the list, trigger OK button
! self.dlg.response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK)
! self.dlg.destroy()
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