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gnue/designer/src/base/tools PropertyEditor.py
From: |
Jason Cater |
Subject: |
gnue/designer/src/base/tools PropertyEditor.py |
Date: |
Fri, 06 Jun 2003 21:10:39 -0400 |
CVSROOT: /cvsroot/gnue
Module name: gnue
Changes by: Jason Cater <address@hidden> 03/06/06 21:10:39
Modified files:
designer/src/base/tools: PropertyEditor.py
Log message:
Implementation of a non-wxGrid property editor
Index: gnue/designer/src/base/tools/PropertyEditor.py
diff -c gnue/designer/src/base/tools/PropertyEditor.py:1.42
*** gnue/designer/src/base/tools/PropertyEditor.py:1.42 Fri May 23 20:02:31 2003
--- gnue/designer/src/base/tools/PropertyEditor.py Fri Jun 6 21:10:39 2003
*** 26,31 ****
--- 26,32 ----
+ __all__ = ['PropertyEditor']
import sys, os, string
from wxPython.wx import *
*** 33,39 ****
from gnue.common.apps import GDebug
from gnue.common.formatting import GTypecast
from gnue.designer.base.ToolBase import *
- from gnue.designer.base.uihelpers.GridCellEditors import *
class PropertyEditor (ToolBase):
--- 34,39 ----
*** 56,62 ****
self.supplemental = []
! EVT_SIZE(self, self.onSize)
self.main = self.createMainPage()
--- 56,62 ----
self.supplemental = []
! EVT_SIZE(self, self.__onSize)
self.main = self.createMainPage()
*** 115,121 ****
! def onSize(self, event):
w,h = self.GetClientSizeTuple()
--- 115,121 ----
! def __onSize(self, event):
w,h = self.GetClientSizeTuple()
*** 124,147 ****
! class InspectorPanel(wxPanel):
def __init__(self, editor, parent):
! wxPanel.__init__(self, parent, -1)
self.object = None
self.editor = editor
! # Set up our grid
! self.grid = wxGrid(self, -1, pos=wxPoint(0,0))
! self.grid.CreateGrid(1,1)
! self.grid.SetColLabelSize(0)
! EVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE(self.grid, self.OnCellChange)
! EVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_DCLICK(self.grid, self.OnLeftDClick)
! EVT_SIZE(self, self.onSize)
def getAttributes(self, object):
--- 124,146 ----
! class InspectorPanel(wxScrolledWindow):
def __init__(self, editor, parent):
! wxScrolledWindow.__init__(self, parent, -1, style = wxHSCROLL)
! self.splitter = splitter = wxSplitterWindow(self, -1, style=wxSP_FULLSASH
self.object = None
self.editor = editor
+ self.fields = []
+ self.labels = []
! self.labelPanel = wxPanel(splitter, -1)
! self.fieldPanel = wxPanel(splitter, -1)
! splitter.SplitVertically(self.labelPanel, self.fieldPanel)
! EVT_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGED(self, self.splitter.GetId(),self.__onSize)
! EVT_SIZE(self, self.__onSize)
def getAttributes(self, object):
*** 159,176 ****
self.object = object
self.attributes = self.getAttributes(object)
! # Speed up the process by not refreshing the grid yet
! self.grid.BeginBatch()
! # Delete any old rows from a previous object
! nr = self.grid.GetNumberRows()
! if nr:
! self.grid.DeleteRows(0,nr)
self.rowList = self.attributes.keys()
# Only show properties for nondeprecated values (unless set)
i = 0
while i < len(self.rowList):
--- 158,174 ----
self.object = object
self.attributes = self.getAttributes(object)
! # Define our rows
self.rowList = self.attributes.keys()
+ # Get rid of any old fields
+ for i in range(len(self.fields)):
+ field = self.fields.pop()
+ field.Destroy()
+ label = self.labels.pop()
+ label.Destroy()
# Only show properties for nondeprecated values (unless set)
i = 0
while i < len(self.rowList):
*** 185,275 ****
i = i + 1
- # Create the number of rows we'll need
- self.grid.InsertRows(0,len(self.rowList))
i = 0
for key in self.rowList:
xkey = key.replace(':','__')
! # This little tidbit does mixed case w/'_' as separators
! words = string.split(key.split(':',1)[-1],'_')
! for j in range(len(words)):
! words[j] = words[j].capitalize()
! self.grid.SetRowLabelValue(i,string.join(words,' '))
# Determine the type of Cell Editor we want
# (Integer, Boolean, Dropdown, Char)
if self.attributes[key].has_key('ValueSet'):
! self.grid.SetCellEditor(i, 0,
elif self.attributes[key]['Typecast'] == GTypecast.boolean:
! self.grid.SetCellEditor(i, 0,
elif self.attributes[key]['Typecast'] in (GTypecast.integer,
GTypecast.number, GTypecast.whole):
! self.grid.SetCellEditor(i, 0,
! self.grid.SetCellEditor(i, 0,
# Set the initial value of the cells to the current property values
if hasattr(object, xkey):
! if self.attributes[key]['Typecast'] == GTypecast.boolean:
! if object.__dict__[xkey]:
! self.grid.SetCellValue(i,0,"TRUE")
! else:
! self.grid.SetCellValue(i,0,"FALSE")
! pass
! else:
! self.grid.SetCellValue(i,0, "%s" % object.__dict__[xkey])
! pass
! i = i + 1
! # Redraw the grid
! self.grid.EndBatch()
! try:
! self.grid.ForceRefresh() # Added in 2.3.1
! except AttributeError:
! pass
def getPageText(self):
return self.object._type[2:]
! def onSize(self, event):
! self.grid.SetSize(self.GetClientSize())
! w,h = self.grid.GetClientSizeTuple()
! self.grid.SetColSize(0, w - self.grid.GetRowLabelSize()-1)
! try:
! self.grid.ForceRefresh() # Added in 2.3.1
! except AttributeError:
! pass
! # Force a grid cell into Edit mode when Double-Clicked
! def OnLeftDClick(self,evt):
! if self.grid.CanEnableCellControl():
! self.grid.EnableCellEditControl()
! def OnCellChange(self, evt):
! attr = self.rowList[evt.GetRow()]
! value = self.grid.GetCellValue(evt.GetRow(), evt.GetCol())
xkey = attr.replace(':','__')
! oldVal = {attr: self.object.__dict__[xkey]}
except KeyError:
! oldVal = {attr: None}
! self.object.__dict__[xkey] = self.attributes[attr]['Typecast'](value)
! newVal = {attr: self.object.__dict__[xkey]}
! self.editor.dispatchEvent('ObjectModified',
! evt.Skip()
except ValueError:
--- 183,444 ----
i = i + 1
i = 0
+ y = 2
+ maxLabel = 0
for key in self.rowList:
xkey = key.replace(':','__')
! # If an attribute has a "Label", use it;
! # otherwise create one from its name.
! try:
! text = self.attributes[key]['Label']
! except KeyError:
! # This little tidbit does mixed case w/'_' as separators
! words = string.split(key.split(':',1)[-1],'_')
! for j in range(len(words)):
! words[j] = words[j].capitalize()
! text = string.join(words)
! if self.attributes[key]['Typecast'] == GTypecast.boolean:
! text += _('?')
! else:
! text += ':'
+ label = wxStaticText(self.labelPanel, -1, text)
# Determine the type of Cell Editor we want
# (Integer, Boolean, Dropdown, Char)
if self.attributes[key].has_key('ValueSet'):
! field = LimitedSetEditor(self.fieldPanel,self.attributes[key])
elif self.attributes[key]['Typecast'] == GTypecast.boolean:
! field = BoolEditor(self.fieldPanel,self.attributes[key])
elif self.attributes[key]['Typecast'] in (GTypecast.integer,
GTypecast.number, GTypecast.whole):
! field = IntEditor(self.fieldPanel,self.attributes[key])
! field = TextEditor(self.fieldPanel,self.attributes[key])
! EVT_KILL_FOCUS(field, self.__valueModified)
! EVT_KEY_UP(field, self.__enterPressed)
! # Align the centers of the field and label
! fx, fy = field.GetSizeTuple()
! lx, ly = label.GetSizeTuple()
! maxy = max(fy, ly)
! maxLabel = max(maxLabel, lx+4)
! field.SetPosition((2, int((maxy - fy)/2) + y))
! label.SetPosition((4, int((maxy - ly)/2) + y))
! # Next y...
! y += maxy
# Set the initial value of the cells to the current property values
if hasattr(object, xkey):
! field.SetValue(object.__dict__[xkey])
! self.fields.append(field)
! self.labels.append(label)
! self.splitter.SetSashPosition(maxLabel+2)
! self.maxy = y
! self.maxLabel = maxLabel
! self.__onSize(None)
def getPageText(self):
return self.object._type[2:]
! def __onSize(self, event):
! x, y = self.GetClientSizeTuple()
! my = max(y, self.maxy)
! self.splitter.SetSize((x, my ))
! self.splitter.SetSashPosition(self.maxLabel+2)
! self.SetVirtualSize((x, my))
! if my > y:
! self.SetScrollRate(0,10)
! fw = self.fieldPanel.GetSize().x - 4
! for field in self.fields:
! field.SetSize((fw, field.GetSize().y))
! def __enterPressed(self, event):
! if event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_RETURN:
! self.__valueModified(event)
! event.Skip()
! def __valueModified(self, event):
! field = event.GetEventObject()
! attr = self.rowList[self.fields.index(field)]
! value = field.GetValue()
xkey = attr.replace(':','__')
! ov = self.object.__dict__[xkey]
except KeyError:
! ov = None
! oldVal = {attr: ov}
! if ov != value:
! # If value is None, then user basically selected "No value"
! if value != None:
! # Typecast the value, then store in the object's dictionary
! value = self.attributes[attr]['Typecast'](value)
! else:
! # No value... try to set value as "default" value
! try:
! value = self.attributes[attr]['Default']
! except KeyError:
! # Otherwise leave as None
! pass
! self.object.__dict__[xkey] = value
! newVal = {attr: value}
! self.editor.dispatchEvent('ObjectModified',
except ValueError:
+ event.Skip()
+ #
+ # Property Editor derived from an attribute's ValueSet
+ #
+ class LimitedSetEditor(wxComboBox):
+ def __init__(self, parent, attributes):
+ wxComboBox.__init__(self, parent, -1,
+ self.attributes = attributes
+ self.selectionList = []
+ try:
+ default = self.attributes['Default']
+ except KeyError:
+ default = None
+ if not (attributes.has_key('Required') and attributes['Required'] ):
+ self.selectionList.append(None)
+ self.Append('')
+ # Sort the attribute names...
+ keys = attributes['ValueSet'].keys()
+ keys.sort()
+ # .. but make the default always come first
+ if default:
+ print default
+ print keys
+ keys.remove(default)
+ keys.insert(0, default)
+ # Add attributes to the combo box
+ for v in keys:
+ self.selectionList.append(v)
+ try:
+ text = attributes['ValueSet'][v]['Label']
+ except KeyError:
+ text = v
+ self.Append("%s%s" % (text, v == default and '*' or '' ))
+ def GetValue(self):
+ return self.selectionList[self.GetSelection()]
+ def SetValue(self, value):
+ self.SetSelection(self.selectionList.index(value))
+ #
+ # Property Editor whose selections are linked to lists of other objects
+ #
+ class LinkedTextEditor(wxComboBox):
+ def __init__(self, parent, attributes, objectList, forceToList=1):
+ wxComboBox.__init__(self, parent, -1,
+ style=wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER|wxCB_DROPDOWN|(forceToList and
+ self.attributes = attributes
+ self.updateList()
+ try:
+ objectList.addListener(self.updateList)
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ def Destroy(self):
+ try:
+ objectList.removeListener(self.updateList)
+ except:
+ pass
+ wxComboBox.Destroy(self)
+ def GetValue(self):
+ return wxComboBox.GetValue(self) or None
+ def updateList(self):
+ self.Clear()
+ if not (self.attributes.has_key('Required') and
self.attributes['Required'] ):
+ self.Append('')
+ for v in objectList:
+ self.Append("%s" % (self.attributes['ValueSet'][v] or v))
+ #
+ # Property editor for boolean types
+ #
+ class BoolEditor(wxComboBox):
+ def __init__(self, parent, attributes):
+ wxComboBox.__init__(self, parent, -1,
+ self.attributes = attributes
+ if not (self.attributes.has_key('Required') and
self.attributes['Required'] ):
+ self.Append('')
+ try:
+ default = self.attributes['Default']
+ except KeyError:
+ default = None
+ self.true = _('Yes') + (default and '*' or '')
+ self.false = _('No') + (not default and '*' or '')
+ self.Append(self.true)
+ self.Append(self.false)
+ def GetValue(self):
+ v = wxComboBox.GetValue(self)
+ if v == '':
+ return None
+ else:
+ return v == self.true
+ def SetValue(self, value):
+ if value == None:
+ wxComboBox.SetValue(self,'')
+ elif value:
+ wxComboBox.SetValue(self,self.true)
+ else:
+ wxComboBox.SetValue(self,self.false)
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ class IntEditor(wxSpinCtrl):
+ def __init__(self, parent, attributes):
+ wxSpinCtrl.__init__(self, parent, -1, style=wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER)
+ self.attributes = attributes
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ class TextEditor(wxTextCtrl):
+ def __init__(self, parent, attributes):
+ wxTextCtrl.__init__(self, parent, -1, style=wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER)
+ self.attributes = attributes
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