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[gnue] r8652 - in trunk/gnue-forms/src: . GFObjects

From: reinhard
Subject: [gnue] r8652 - in trunk/gnue-forms/src: . GFObjects
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2006 10:18:41 -0500 (CDT)

Author: reinhard
Date: 2006-09-05 10:18:40 -0500 (Tue, 05 Sep 2006)
New Revision: 8652

Added GFBlock.get_possible_operations() function.

Modified: trunk/gnue-forms/src/
--- trunk/gnue-forms/src/      2006-09-04 22:22:54 UTC (rev 8651)
+++ trunk/gnue-forms/src/      2006-09-05 15:18:40 UTC (rev 8652)
@@ -1032,7 +1032,8 @@
         # Is the current entry changed?
         # FIXME: should only cause the form to appear unsaved if the entry is 
         # to a field.
-        if (self._currentEntry._type != 'GFButton' and \
+        if (self._currentEntry is not None and \
+            self._currentEntry._type != 'GFButton' and \
             self._currentEntry._field._bound and \
           return False
@@ -1518,86 +1519,50 @@
         @return: None
-        block = self._currentBlock
+        if self._currentBlock is not None:
+            record_status = self._currentBlock.get_record_status()
+            possible_operations = self._currentBlock.get_possible_operations()
+        else:
+            record_status = None
+            possible_operations = []
         dispatchEvent = self.dispatchEvent
-        if not block:
-          # No current block - for example a form with only buttons on it
-          dispatchEvent('cannotCANCELQUERY')
-          dispatchEvent('cannotEXECQUERY')
-          dispatchEvent('cannotENTERQUERY')
-          dispatchEvent('cannotPREVRECORD')
-          dispatchEvent('cannotFIRSTRECORD')
-          dispatchEvent('cannotNEXTRECORD')
-          dispatchEvent('cannotLASTRECORD')
-          dispatchEvent('cannotCOMMIT')
-          dispatchEvent('cannotROLLBACK')
-          dispatchEvent('cannotJUMPPROMPT')
-          dispatchEvent('cannotNEWRECORD')
-          dispatchEvent('cannotMARKFORDELETE')
-          return
-        if block.mode == 'query':
-          dispatchEvent('canCANCELQUERY')
-          dispatchEvent('canEXECQUERY')
-          dispatchEvent('cannotENTERQUERY')
-          dispatchEvent('cannotPREVRECORD')
-          dispatchEvent('cannotFIRSTRECORD')
-          dispatchEvent('cannotNEXTRECORD')
-          dispatchEvent('cannotLASTRECORD')
+        for operation, event in (
+                ('first_record',    'FIRSTRECORD'),
+                ('prev_record',     'PREVRECORD'),
+                ('next_record',     'NEXTRECORD'),
+                ('last_record',     'LASTRECORD'),
+                ('goto_record',     'JUMPPROMPT'),
+                ('new_record',      'NEWRECORD'),
+                ('delete_record',   'MARKFORDELETE'),
+                ('undelete_record', 'UNDELETE'),
+                ('init_query',      'ENTERQUERY'),
+                ('cancel_query',    'CANCELQUERY'),
+                ('execute_query',   'EXECQUERY')):
+            if operation in possible_operations:
+                dispatchEvent('can' + event)
+            else:
+                dispatchEvent('cannot' + event)
+        if record_status in ('void', 'deleted'):
+          dispatchEvent('beginMARKFORDELETE')
+        else:
+          dispatchEvent('endMARKFORDELETE')
+        if self._currentBlock is not None \
+                and self._currentBlock.mode == 'query':
-          dispatchEvent('cannotJUMPPROMPT')
-          dispatchEvent('cannotNEWRECORD')
-          dispatchEvent('cannotMARKFORDELETE')
-          dispatchEvent('canENTERQUERY')
-          dispatchEvent('cannotCANCELQUERY')
-          dispatchEvent('cannotEXECQUERY')
           if not self.isSaved():
-          dispatchEvent('canJUMPPROMPT')
-          dispatchEvent('canMARKFORDELETE')
-          if block._resultSet.isFirstRecord():
-            dispatchEvent('cannotPREVRECORD')
-            dispatchEvent('cannotFIRSTRECORD')
-          else:
-            dispatchEvent('canPREVRECORD')
-            dispatchEvent('canFIRSTRECORD')
-          if block._resultSet.isLastRecord():
-            if block._resultSet.current.isEmpty():
-              dispatchEvent('cannotNEXTRECORD')
-            else:
-              dispatchEvent('canNEXTRECORD')
-            dispatchEvent('cannotLASTRECORD')
-          else:
-            dispatchEvent('canNEXTRECORD')
-            dispatchEvent('canLASTRECORD')
-            dispatchEvent('canNEWRECORD')
-          if block._resultSet.current.isEmpty():
-            dispatchEvent('cannotNEWRECORD')
-          else:
-            dispatchEvent('canNEWRECORD')
-          if block._resultSet.current.isDeleted () \
-              or block._resultSet.current.isVoid ():
-            dispatchEvent('cannotMARKFORDELETE')
-            dispatchEvent('canUNDELETE')
-            dispatchEvent('beginMARKFORDELETE')
-          else:
-            dispatchEvent('endMARKFORDELETE')
-            dispatchEvent('canMARKFORDELETE')
-            dispatchEvent('cannotUNDELETE')
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     # Called whenever an event source has requested that the
     # focus change to the next data entry block
     # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Modified: trunk/gnue-forms/src/GFObjects/
--- trunk/gnue-forms/src/GFObjects/   2006-09-04 22:22:54 UTC (rev 
+++ trunk/gnue-forms/src/GFObjects/   2006-09-05 15:18:40 UTC (rev 
@@ -511,6 +511,57 @@
   # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  def get_possible_operations(self):
+        """
+        Return a list of possible operations for this block.
+        The form can use this function to enable or disable commanders (menu
+        items or toolbar buttons) that are bound to the respective action.
+        The return value is basically a list of method names that can be called
+        for this block in the current state.
+        """
+        result = []
+        if self.mode == 'query':
+            result.append('cancel_query')
+            result.append('execute_query')
+        else:
+            rs = self._resultSet
+            if rs is not None:
+                rec = self._resultSet.current
+                status = self.get_record_status()
+                if rec is not None:
+                    if not rs.isFirstRecord():
+                        result.append('first_record')
+                        result.append('prev_record')
+                    if not rs.isLastRecord():
+                        result.append('next_record')
+                        result.append('last_record')
+                    result.append('goto_record')
+                if not self._form.readonly:
+                    if self.editable in ('Y', 'new') and status != 'empty':
+                        result.append('new_record')
+                        result.append('duplicate_record')
+                        if self.autoCreate and rs.isLastRecord():
+                            result.append('next_record')
+                    if self.deletable:
+                        if status not in ('void', 'deleted'):
+                            result.append('delete_record')
+                        else:
+                            result.append('undelete_record')
+                result.append('init_query')
+                result.append('copy_query')
+        return result
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   def isSaved (self):
     Returns True if the datasource the block is associated with is not pending
@@ -772,14 +823,6 @@
         # tests here could be removed so trigger code can still insert new
         # records while the user can't.
-        if self._form.readonly:
-            self._form.alert_message(u_("Form is readonly"))
-            return
-        if self.editable not in ('Y', 'new'):
-            event._form.alert_message(u_('Block does not allow insert'))
-            return
         # Focus out
         self.processTrigger ('PRE-FOCUSOUT')

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