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[Commit-gnuradio] [gnuradio] branch master updated (8ebe90f -> 62debd6)

From: git
Subject: [Commit-gnuradio] [gnuradio] branch master updated (8ebe90f -> 62debd6)
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 16:14:02 +0000 (UTC)

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

jcorgan pushed a change to branch master
in repository gnuradio.

      from  8ebe90f   volk: adding copyright notice to all volk kernels.
       new  46e9dfe   Added set_ methods for most parameters in (almost) all 
gr-trellis blocks Added FSM functionality + minor fixes
       new  be8e888   Updated documentation and grc/python examples in 
gr-trellis. Removed weird pyhton examples and made them grc files.
       new  79d55f1   fixed a bug in pccc encoder/decoder, and added fsm files. 
Also added locks in the set_ methods
       new  b0e0aa0   Merge remote-tracking branch 'anastas/trellisupdates'
       new  567a498   grc: append blocks path with prefix /usr/local if 
installed to prefix /usr
       new  051c395   Merge remote-tracking branch 
       new  4fd40a0   grc: disable port type caching on init
       new  b55a740   Merge remote-tracking branch 
'gnuradio-wg-grc/maint_grcwg' into maint
       new  62debd6   Merge branch 'maint'

The 9 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 gr-trellis/doc/gr-trellis.xml                      |    8 +-
 gr-trellis/examples/grc/CMakeLists.txt             |   26 +-
 .../examples/grc/interference_cancellation.grc     | 2837 ++++++--------------
 gr-trellis/examples/grc/pccc.grc                   |  837 +++---
 gr-trellis/examples/grc/readme.txt                 |    6 +-
 gr-trellis/examples/grc/sccc.grc                   |  690 +++--
 gr-trellis/examples/grc/sccc1.grc                  | 1132 --------
 gr-trellis/examples/grc/{pccc1.grc => tcm.grc}     |  828 +++---
 .../examples/grc/turbo_equalization.grc            | 2118 +++++++--------
 .../examples/grc/viterbi_equalization.grc          | 1117 ++++----
 gr-trellis/examples/python/CMakeLists.txt          |   30 +-
 gr-trellis/examples/python/README                  |   10 +-
 .../examples/python/fsm_files/awgn1o1_16rsc.fsm    |   40 +
 .../examples/python/fsm_files/awgn1o1_4rsc.fsm     |   16 +
 .../examples/python/fsm_files/awgn1o2_16rsc.fsm    |   40 +
 .../examples/python/fsm_files/awgn1o2_4rsc.fsm     |   14 +
 .../python/fsm_files/awgn2o3_16ungerboeck.fsm      |   50 +
 .../python/fsm_files/awgn2o3_16ungerboecka.fsm     |   48 +
 .../python/fsm_files/awgn2o3_32ungerboeck.fsm      |   83 +
 .../python/fsm_files/awgn2o3_32ungerboecka.fsm     |   84 +
 .../examples/python/fsm_files/awgn2o3_4_msb.fsm    |    2 +-
 .../examples/python/fsm_files/awgn2o3_4_msbG.fsm   |    4 +-
 .../python/fsm_files/awgn2o3_4ungerboeck.fsm       |   26 +
 .../python/fsm_files/awgn2o3_4ungerboecka.fsm      |   23 +
 .../python/fsm_files/awgn2o3_64ungerboeck.fsm      |  150 ++
 .../python/fsm_files/awgn2o3_64ungerboecka.fsm     |  154 ++
 gr-trellis/examples/python/fsm_files/awgn2o3_8.fsm |    3 +-
 .../python/fsm_files/awgn2o3_8ungerboeck.fsm       |   35 +
 .../python/fsm_files/awgn2o3_8ungerboecka.fsm      |   32 +
 gr-trellis/examples/python/fsm_files/uncoded4.fsm  |    7 +
 gr-trellis/examples/python/             |    7 +-
 gr-trellis/examples/python/     |  124 -
 gr-trellis/examples/python/       |  106 -
 gr-trellis/examples/python/       |  110 -
 gr-trellis/examples/python/      |  146 -
 gr-trellis/examples/python/     |  104 -
 gr-trellis/examples/python/     |  106 -
 gr-trellis/examples/python/             |   76 +-
 gr-trellis/examples/python/         |  134 -
 gr-trellis/examples/python/    |  112 -
 gr-trellis/examples/python/    |  118 -
 .../examples/python/     |  147 -
 .../examples/python/    |  152 --
 .../examples/python/    |  152 --
 .../examples/python/   |   99 -
 .../examples/python/  |  108 -
 gr-trellis/                  |    2 +-
 gr-trellis/grc/trellis_encoder_xx.xml              |   26 +-
 gr-trellis/grc/trellis_metrics_x.xml               |    3 +
 .../grc/trellis_pccc_decoder_combined_xx.xml       |    2 +-
 gr-trellis/grc/trellis_permutation.xml             |    4 +
 .../grc/trellis_sccc_decoder_combined_xx.xml       |    2 +-
 gr-trellis/grc/trellis_siso_combined_f.xml         |   16 +-
 gr-trellis/grc/trellis_siso_f.xml                  |   13 +-
 gr-trellis/grc/trellis_viterbi_combined_xx.xml     |    8 +-
 gr-trellis/grc/trellis_viterbi_x.xml               |    4 +
 gr-trellis/include/gnuradio/trellis/encoder_XX.h.t |    6 +
 gr-trellis/include/gnuradio/trellis/fsm.h          |   10 +
 gr-trellis/include/gnuradio/trellis/metrics_X.h.t  |    5 +
 gr-trellis/include/gnuradio/trellis/permutation.h  |    7 +-
 .../gnuradio/trellis/sccc_decoder_combined_XX.h.t  |    1 +
 .../include/gnuradio/trellis/siso_combined_f.h     |   11 +
 gr-trellis/include/gnuradio/trellis/siso_f.h       |    8 +
 gr-trellis/include/gnuradio/trellis/viterbi_X.h.t  |   13 +-
 .../gnuradio/trellis/viterbi_combined_XX.h.t       |    9 +-
 gr-trellis/lib/                      |   17 +-
 gr-trellis/lib/                  |   47 +-
 gr-trellis/lib/                |   80 +-
 gr-trellis/lib/encoder_XX_impl.h.t                 |   14 +-
 gr-trellis/lib/                              |   48 +
 gr-trellis/lib/                 |   27 +-
 gr-trellis/lib/metrics_X_impl.h.t                  |    4 +
 gr-trellis/lib/  |    2 +
 gr-trellis/lib/           |    2 +-
 gr-trellis/lib/                 |   23 +-
 gr-trellis/lib/permutation_impl.h                  |    6 +-
 gr-trellis/lib/  |    2 +
 gr-trellis/lib/             |  109 +-
 gr-trellis/lib/siso_combined_f_impl.h              |   12 +
 gr-trellis/lib/                      |   80 +-
 gr-trellis/lib/siso_f_impl.h                       |    9 +
 gr-trellis/lib/                 |   27 +
 gr-trellis/lib/viterbi_X_impl.h.t                  |   12 +-
 gr-trellis/lib/       |   45 +-
 gr-trellis/lib/viterbi_combined_XX_impl.h.t        |   17 +-
 gr-trellis/python/trellis/CMakeLists.txt           |    1 +
 gr-trellis/python/trellis/              |    3 +
 .../python => python/trellis}/         |   61 +-
 grc/CMakeLists.txt                                 |    4 +
 grc/base/                                   |    6 +-
 90 files changed, 5477 insertions(+), 7582 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 gr-trellis/examples/grc/sccc1.grc
 rename gr-trellis/examples/grc/{pccc1.grc => tcm.grc} (63%)
 copy gr-pager/apps/usrp_rx_flex.grc => 
gr-trellis/examples/grc/turbo_equalization.grc (60%)
 copy gr-fec/examples/fecapi_async_encoders.grc => 
gr-trellis/examples/grc/viterbi_equalization.grc (61%)
 create mode 100644 gr-trellis/examples/python/fsm_files/awgn1o1_16rsc.fsm
 create mode 100644 gr-trellis/examples/python/fsm_files/awgn1o1_4rsc.fsm
 create mode 100644 gr-trellis/examples/python/fsm_files/awgn1o2_16rsc.fsm
 create mode 100644 gr-trellis/examples/python/fsm_files/awgn1o2_4rsc.fsm
 create mode 100644 
 create mode 100644 
 create mode 100644 
 create mode 100644 
 create mode 100644 gr-trellis/examples/python/fsm_files/awgn2o3_4ungerboeck.fsm
 create mode 100644 
 create mode 100644 
 create mode 100644 
 create mode 100644 gr-trellis/examples/python/fsm_files/awgn2o3_8ungerboeck.fsm
 create mode 100644 
 create mode 100644 gr-trellis/examples/python/fsm_files/uncoded4.fsm
 delete mode 100755 gr-trellis/examples/python/
 delete mode 100755 gr-trellis/examples/python/
 delete mode 100755 gr-trellis/examples/python/
 delete mode 100755 gr-trellis/examples/python/
 delete mode 100755 gr-trellis/examples/python/
 delete mode 100755 gr-trellis/examples/python/
 delete mode 100755 gr-trellis/examples/python/
 delete mode 100755 gr-trellis/examples/python/
 delete mode 100755 gr-trellis/examples/python/
 delete mode 100755 gr-trellis/examples/python/
 delete mode 100755 gr-trellis/examples/python/
 delete mode 100755 gr-trellis/examples/python/
 delete mode 100755 gr-trellis/examples/python/
 delete mode 100755 gr-trellis/examples/python/
 rename gr-trellis/{examples/python => python/trellis}/ (90%)

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