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[Commit-gnuradio] [gnuradio] branch master updated (0ac619e -> 6f1dcdf)

From: git
Subject: [Commit-gnuradio] [gnuradio] branch master updated (0ac619e -> 6f1dcdf)
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2016 20:43:06 +0000 (UTC)

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

jcorgan pushed a change to branch master
in repository gnuradio.

      from  0ac619e   Merge branch 'maint'
       new  0471d1f   grc: update year in copyright
       new  e6be6cb   Merge remote-tracking branch 
'gnuradio-wg-grc/maint_grcwg' into maint
       new  70c947d   float(version) doesn't work with "1.9.0"; fixed nx 
version checking
       new  03c35e6   Merge remote-tracking branch 
'mmueller/fix_networkx_version_checking' into maint
       new  aef116e   gr-fec: Fix memory allocation issue during encoding.
       new  1adad29   gr-fec: LDPC python function - addressing an "undefined" 
       new  48f2c2c   gr-fec: LPDC python function - addressing an "undefined" 
       new  61deb9e   gr-fec: LDPC python function - addressing an attribute 
       new  b5826d7   gr-fec: LDPC python function - making a better docstring
       new  17c9c6a   gr-fec: LDPC python - adding a handy function
       new  0a2861d   gr-fec: Removing 2 bad matrices from the LDPC alist file 
       new  1252e03   gr-fec: free memory for G matrix at end of constructor
       new  f825d6b   gr-fec: free memory for info word in LDPC gen mtrx encoder
       new  5abda7a   gr-fec: free memory used for the LDPC H matrix in the 
       new  4873053   gr-fec, LDPC: correct the name of the python function 
       new  01556fd   gr-fec, LDPC: use mult_matrices_mod2 function
       new  bc60fdb   Merge remote-tracking branch 'tracierenea/fec_ldpc_H_fix' 
into maint
       new  fc05698   grc: add select all action
       new  1d9143b   grc: move blks2 code into gr-blocks and gr-digital
       new  afd1b03   grc: mark blks2 blocks as deprecated
       new  5ef6c0f   grc: move xmlrpc blocks to gr-blocks
       new  79f6dc8   grc: add description to the optparse call
       new  99c3de6   Merge remote-tracking branch 
       new  466877f   Added CMake code to find a PyBOMBS installation target 
and install the OOT module there.
       new  a6fa4d1   Merge remote-tracking branch 'mhostetter/master'
       new  c2ba78b   digital: add QA test for tagged stream version of 
       new  6f1dcdf   Merge remote-tracking branch 

The 27 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 .../python/gnuradio/ctrlport/gr-perf-monitorx      |   13 +-
 gr-blocks/CMakeLists.txt                           |    1 +
 {grc/blocks => gr-blocks/grc}/blks2_error_rate.xml |    1 +
 {grc/blocks => gr-blocks/grc}/blks2_selector.xml   |    1 +
 {grc/blocks => gr-blocks/grc}/blks2_tcp_sink.xml   |    1 +
 {grc/blocks => gr-blocks/grc}/blks2_tcp_source.xml |    1 +
 {grc/blocks => gr-blocks/grc}/blks2_valve.xml      |    1 +
 gr-blocks/grc/blocks_block_tree.xml                |    7 +-
 {grc/blocks => gr-blocks/grc}/xmlrpc_client.xml    |    0
 {grc/blocks => gr-blocks/grc}/xmlrpc_server.xml    |    0
 .../python}/grc_gnuradio/CMakeLists.txt            |    8 +-
 {grc => gr-blocks/python}/grc_gnuradio/README      |    0
 {grc => gr-blocks/python}/grc_gnuradio/ |    0
 .../python}/grc_gnuradio/blks2/         |   10 +-
 .../python}/grc_gnuradio/blks2/       |    0
 .../python}/grc_gnuradio/blks2/         |    0
 .../python}/grc_gnuradio/blks2/              |    0
 gr-digital/CMakeLists.txt                          |    1 +
 .../grc}/blks2_packet_decoder.xml                  |    1 +
 .../grc}/blks2_packet_encoder.xml                  |    1 +
 .../digital/      |   90 +
 .../python/grc_gnuradio}/CMakeLists.txt            |   13 +-
 .../python}/grc_gnuradio/blks2/           |    0
 gr-fec/ldpc_alist/CMakeLists.txt                   |    4 +-
 gr-fec/ldpc_alist/n_2400_k_1198_gap_33.alist       | 3602 --------------------
 gr-fec/ldpc_alist/n_2400_k_1198_gen_matrix.alist   | 3602 --------------------
 gr-fec/lib/                        |   13 +-
 gr-fec/lib/                   |   16 +-
 gr-fec/lib/ldpc_G_matrix_impl.h                    |    1 -
 gr-fec/lib/                   |   83 +-
 gr-fec/lib/ldpc_H_matrix_impl.h                    |    4 -
 gr-fec/python/fec/LDPC/     |    2 +-
 .../fec/LDPC/     |   53 +-
 gr-utils/python/modtool/gr-newmod/CMakeLists.txt   |    6 +
 grc/CMakeLists.txt                                 |    1 -
 grc/blocks/block_tree.xml                          |   17 -
 grc/gui/                           |    3 +
 grc/gui/                                 |    6 +
 grc/gui/                                    |    1 +
 grc/gui/                               |    6 +-
 grc/python/                             |    2 +-
 grc/python/flow_graph.tmpl                         |    9 +-
 42 files changed, 272 insertions(+), 7309 deletions(-)
 rename {grc/blocks => gr-blocks/grc}/blks2_error_rate.xml (98%)
 rename {grc/blocks => gr-blocks/grc}/blks2_selector.xml (98%)
 rename {grc/blocks => gr-blocks/grc}/blks2_tcp_sink.xml (98%)
 rename {grc/blocks => gr-blocks/grc}/blks2_tcp_source.xml (98%)
 rename {grc/blocks => gr-blocks/grc}/blks2_valve.xml (97%)
 rename {grc/blocks => gr-blocks/grc}/xmlrpc_client.xml (100%)
 rename {grc/blocks => gr-blocks/grc}/xmlrpc_server.xml (100%)
 rename {grc => gr-blocks/python}/grc_gnuradio/CMakeLists.txt (93%)
 rename {grc => gr-blocks/python}/grc_gnuradio/README (100%)
 rename {grc => gr-blocks/python}/grc_gnuradio/ (100%)
 rename {grc => gr-blocks/python}/grc_gnuradio/blks2/ (74%)
 rename {grc => gr-blocks/python}/grc_gnuradio/blks2/ (100%)
 rename {grc => gr-blocks/python}/grc_gnuradio/blks2/ (100%)
 rename {grc => gr-blocks/python}/grc_gnuradio/blks2/ (100%)
 rename {grc/blocks => gr-digital/grc}/blks2_packet_decoder.xml (97%)
 rename {grc/blocks => gr-digital/grc}/blks2_packet_encoder.xml (98%)
 create mode 100755 gr-digital/python/digital/
 copy {grc/scripts => gr-digital/python/grc_gnuradio}/CMakeLists.txt (82%)
 rename {grc => gr-digital/python}/grc_gnuradio/blks2/ (100%)
 delete mode 100644 gr-fec/ldpc_alist/n_2400_k_1198_gap_33.alist
 delete mode 100644 gr-fec/ldpc_alist/n_2400_k_1198_gen_matrix.alist

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