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RE: [Cons-discuss] IDL support anyone ?

From: Kolarik, Tony
Subject: RE: [Cons-discuss] IDL support anyone ?
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 08:31:53 -0400

I compile microsoft idl files with the following.  Maybe you can use it as
the basis for Corba too.  
 -- Tony K.

$env->IDLGen('foo.idl', '/x /y /z');

sub cons::IDLGen
        # This function depends on the caller munging the CPPPATH 
        # It might be better to pass in a search path which we then
        # prepend to CPPPATH, or not, if we require the whole path.
        my ($env, $idlFileName, $flags) = @_;
        my $idlBaseName;
        my @idlGen;
        #strip off the .idl portion
        ($idlBaseName = $idlFileName) =~ s/\.idl$//;

        # produce a list of IDL products
        @idlGen = map { "$idlBaseName" . $_ } qw(.h _i.c .tlb);

                sub { my(@includes); 
                        do {
                                push (@includes, $3 ) 
/^(#include|import)\s+(\")(.+)(\")/ && $3 
                        while <SCAN> ;                
                } ,
        # make a /Ifoo /Ibar type include path for midl
        $the_path = "$env->{CPPPATH}";
        $the_path =~ s/\#//g;
        @midl_inc_path = split(/$main::PATH_SEPARATOR/o, $the_path);
        @midl_incs = map { "/I$_" } @midl_inc_path;

        # The targets stay bare, cons will prepend the correct build path;

        @dir = DirPath '.'; # resolves to build dir of the caller
        $env->Command( [ @idlGen ], $idlFileName, 
                qq(midl.exe %( @midl_incs %) $flags /h "$idlGen[0]" /iid
"$idlGen[1]" /tlb "$idlGen[2]" /out "@dir" /Oicf %1));

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Markus Kohler [mailto:address@hidden
> Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 8:07 AM
> To: address@hidden
> Subject: [Cons-discuss] IDL support anyone ?
> Hi,
> Does anybody already use cons to compile Corba IDL files ?
> If so, how does it work ?
> Regards,
> Markus 
> _______________________________________________
> address@hidden
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