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Problems with Depends...

From: Eric Brown
Subject: Problems with Depends...
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 13:59:55 -0800

I'm trying to build a Win32 project that uses the #import directive.  Since
the scanner (correctly) doesn't add #imports into the dependency, I've been
trying to use the Depends directive to add the #imported file into the
dependency tree, without much success.

I've attached the current Conscript file; but the question I'm looking for
is how to appropriately add a dependency to an object file.

One of the headers that ABDlg.h includes does
#import "HomeServ.dll" raw_interfaces_only, raw_native_types, no_namespace,

so I want to make sure that HomeServ.dll gets built before the files that
include it.  One file in particular is ABDlg.cpp. 

I've tried

Depends $local, "ABDlg.cpp", "$BIN/HomeServ.dll";
Depends $local, "ABDlg.obj",  "$BIN/HomeServ.dll";
Depends $local, "inc/PcService.h", "$BIN/HomeServ.dll";
all to no avail.

Running cons -pa never seems to result in any dlls appearing in the
dependency lists.

Any help?

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It is by the Beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, 
the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. 
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion." -- National Lampoon's

Attachment: Conscript
Description: Binary data

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