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[Cron-bug] Sample Pack

From: Barks B. Contentment
Subject: [Cron-bug] Sample Pack
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2006 08:57:20 -0500

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Just one last problem, I said as I started to leave. A pretty faceis that all you think of? she asked, and the words seemed pulled from her in sobs. There were some reassuring thumps as the guards there droned over the bags of change. Who was the man?My dive into the depths of self-analysis had left a definitely unwholesome taste in my mouth that no amount of liquor could wash away. Iron-jaw with the beady eyes had a familiar lookI recognized him as one of the Freiburian nobility. I slumped into the room, testing my leg. My lungs were burning before I reached the employees entrance. My life is so different from that of the overwhelming majority of people in our society that I doubt if I could even explain it to them.

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