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[Cvs-cvs] Changes to ccvs/src/

From: Derek Robert Price
Subject: [Cvs-cvs] Changes to ccvs/src/
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 22:37:47 -0400

Index: ccvs/src/
diff -u ccvs/src/ ccvs/src/
--- ccvs/src/   Mon Sep  5 00:13:05 2005
+++ ccvs/src/  Mon Sep  5 02:37:41 2005
@@ -15968,14 +15968,11 @@
          # Test to see if the CVS_PID environment variable is being set
-         # This will only work on systems with HAVE_PUTENV, so skip
-         # it if we do not have the putenv() call available.
-         if test yes = "${HAVE_PUTENV}" ; then
-           mkdir ${TESTDIR}/env
-           cd ${TESTDIR}/env
-           dotest env-1 "${testcvs} -Q co . >>${LOGFILE}" ''
+         mkdir ${TESTDIR}/env
+         cd ${TESTDIR}/env
+         dotest env-1 "${testcvs} -Q co . >>${LOGFILE}" ''
-           cat > ${TESTDIR}/env/test-cvs-pid <<EOF
+         cat > ${TESTDIR}/env/test-cvs-pid <<EOF
 if test "x\$CVS_PID" != "x"; then
   # In local mode, there is no directory with the pid in it for use.
@@ -16027,37 +16024,36 @@
   exit 1
-           if test -n "$remotehost"; then
-             $CVS_RSH $remotehost "chmod +x ${TESTDIR}/env/test-cvs-pid"
-           else
-             chmod +x ${TESTDIR}/env/test-cvs-pid
-           fi
-           cd CVSROOT
-           echo "^env ${TESTDIR}/env/test-cvs-pid %r/%p %s" >>commitinfo
-           dotest env-2 "${testcvs} -q ci -m test-pid commitinfo" \
+         if test -n "$remotehost"; then
+           $CVS_RSH $remotehost "chmod +x ${TESTDIR}/env/test-cvs-pid"
+         else
+           chmod +x ${TESTDIR}/env/test-cvs-pid
+         fi
+         cd CVSROOT
+         echo "^env ${TESTDIR}/env/test-cvs-pid %r/%p %s" >>commitinfo
+         dotest env-2 "${testcvs} -q ci -m test-pid commitinfo" \
 "${CVSROOT_DIRNAME}/CVSROOT/commitinfo,v  <--  commitinfo
 new revision: 1\.2; previous revision: 1\.1
 ${SPROG} commit: Rebuilding administrative file database"
-           cd ..
-           mkdir env
-           dotest env-3 "${testcvs} -q add env" \
+         cd ..
+         mkdir env
+         dotest env-3 "${testcvs} -q add env" \
 "Directory ${CVSROOT_DIRNAME}/env added to the repository"
-           cd env
-           echo testing >file1
-           dotest env-4 "${testcvs} add file1" \
+         cd env
+         echo testing >file1
+         dotest env-4 "${testcvs} add file1" \
 "${SPROG} add: scheduling file .file1. for addition
 ${SPROG} add: use .${SPROG} commit. to add this file permanently"
-           dotest env-5 "${testcvs} -q commit -m test-pid" \
+         dotest env-5 "${testcvs} -q commit -m test-pid" \
 "${CVSROOT_DIRNAME}/env/file1,v  <--  file1
 initial revision: 1\.1"
-           dokeep
-           # undo commitinfo changes
-           restore_adm
-           cd ../..
-           rm -fr $TESTDIR/env
-           modify_repo rm -rf $CVSROOT_DIRNAME/env
-         fi
+         dokeep
+         # undo commitinfo changes
+         restore_adm
+         cd ../..
+         rm -fr $TESTDIR/env
+         modify_repo rm -rf $CVSROOT_DIRNAME/env

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