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[Cwriter-dev] unjustified

From: Antoinette Potter
Subject: [Cwriter-dev] unjustified
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2006 02:56:49 +0200

You may not be aware of  A B S Y , but you should be, because this
company represents a terrific profit opportunity for early
We think the fun is just beginning with this stock.
The chart on  A B S Y  is a thing of beauty as it shows what we
mentioned earlier slow and steady upward movement.
We Love this company and at anytime they can put out major news
and the price can triple.

Trading Date : 2006, June 7
Name : AbsoluteSKY
S t o c k : A B S Y Opening Price : $0.95
Projection 2 to 6 Days : $2 - $4
Rating : 5(5)

Our mission is to claw our way through the thousands of
underperforming companies out there to find the golden needle
in the haystack.
Remember this is a  S T R O N G  B U Y  RECOMMENDATION...

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