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invoke ddd and pass the list of arguments in batch mode

From: francois reygagne
Subject: invoke ddd and pass the list of arguments in batch mode
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 15:12:02 +0200

I would like to invoke ddd and pass the list of arguments

in batch mode, i.e; without using the popup ddd window.

my idea is to pass the arguments in a shell script to prevent me

from typing interactivelly  these list at each time I invoke ddd.

run arg_list

François REYGAGNE. Software Architect.
opt[e]way S.A., 2881 route des Crêtes, BP308
06906 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, FRANCE
tél: +33 (0)4 92 95 27 01    http://www.opteway.com

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