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RE: DDD does not step thru programs properly

From: Liefer, David K
Subject: RE: DDD does not step thru programs properly
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 16:45:43 -0500

One other thing I forgot to mention is that our application linked with Ada
code. The Ada linker we are using is capable of linking C code with Ada
code. I was assuming the information would be irrelevant since the debug
symbols are embedded during compile time and we have clear lines of
execution. Another words once control has been given to C/C++ code there is
no jumping back and forth between C/C++ and Ada. Although we are using a Ada
run time system which could be screwing DDD's abitlity to halt the program.
In the past we have been able to use xxgdb under the same circumstances and
it worked just fine other then some documented xxgdb problems. I appreciate
the quick response but we don't have the option of doing a static link under
the Ada linker. If anybody has any other ideas it would be appreciated.

                                           Dave Liefer 
                                           Embedded Software Engineer II
                                           The Boeing Corporation - Missile
Systems Software

                -----Original Message-----
                From:   Mcspadden, William C
                Sent:   Wednesday, July 25, 2001 4:31 PM
                To:     'Liefer, David K'
                Subject:        RE: DDD does not step thru programs properly

                Just got done fighting a similar battle under linux.
                We fixed the problem by doing a static link (-static).
                Also heard of success with -ggdb with dynamic libs.

                I've never had good luck with dynamic libs.

                Bill Mc.

                > -----Original Message-----
                > From: Liefer, David K [mailto:address@hidden
                > Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 1:13 PM
                > To: 'address@hidden'
                > Cc: Ryan, Michael A
                > Subject: DDD does not step thru programs properly
                > Hi, I work for the Boeing Corporation. Presently we have 
                > upgraded from xxgdb
                > to ddd version 3.2. Unfortunately ddd is not stepping
                > any of our
                > programs. DDD appears to stop when it hits a breakpoint
                > that's where
                > proper operations ends. Once the breakpoint is hit I try
                > step through the
                > code and it appears to stay at the same line of execution
                > the source
                > file. DDD is running on our HP servers running HP-UNIX 
                > version 10.20. The
                > compiler we use to compile our software is g++ (using gcc 
                > version 2.95.2).
                > The -g flag is set to include debug information when 
                > compiling. Here is a
                > listing of the compiler options set when we compile:
                > g++ -c -ansi -Wall -g -funsigned-char -fconserve-space 
                > -DHP_PLATFORM -I.
                > <<source filename>>
                > I have ran the -check-configuration utility in ddd and 
                > everything returns
                > back normal. I am at a loss. Do we simply need to download

                > and install the
                > new version 3.3 because version 3.2 had this bug? Any help
would be
                > appreciated. Thanks.
                >                                  Dave Liefer 
                >                                  Embedded Software
Engineer II
                >                                  The Boeing Corporation - 
                > Missile Systems
                > Software
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                > Ddd mailing list
                > address@hidden
                > http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/ddd

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