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gdb-textmode -> kde-ddd migration problem

From: Hans Georg Keller
Subject: gdb-textmode -> kde-ddd migration problem
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 11:07:37 +0200

From:   Hans Georg Keller / Norderstedt / Germany
Date:   2002-06-17

Hi guys,

Since SuSE 4.4 I programmed my c and c++ stuff
for DOS and LINUX on a linux-box in text-mode. 

Now I started to project of a cpu-simulator (Z80
probably  68HC11 too) in text-mode. 

In text-mode I use the local file ~/project/hgksim/.gdbinit
and a shellscript named debug to instruct gdb 
what and how to do.

#! /bin/bash
gdb -se hgksim -tty /dev/tty4

file hgksim
handle SIGTTOU nostop nopass
.....some breakpoints

On tty4 I start a program named 'infinite' what 
does nothing else than

while( 1 ){ sleep( 100 ); }

This way I can debug my program using the 
virtual text-console 4  as i/o-device 
connected to stdin and stdout of the
debugged program.

Short time ago I tried kdevelop. And I found out
that it is a real quite good development-environment
and stable too.

With using kdevelop I thought to minimize switching
between text-consoles for debugging and KDE for
editing and making.

This way I came to DDD. Especially the way to 
display the data stands out and will simplify
and speed up the work. Probably there are much
more features what will event the 

* BUT on DDD I can not find out how to set a           *
* commandline-parameter and I'm not sure wether or not *
* the local .gdbinit is used.                          *

Can anybody help me out, how to configure DDD
to enable virtual text-console 4 as i/o-device
for stdin and stdout

Before I forget this, I'm using now 
SuSE 7.0 - LINUX. This upgrade I did not because
of beeing unsatisfied with SuSE 4.4. 
I did it to obtain KDE and GUI-Tools for
connecting to internet.

Many thanks for your efforts in advance

with kindly regards

            Hans Georg Keller

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