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Re: New maintainer for GNU DDD sought

From: david
Subject: Re: New maintainer for GNU DDD sought
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 10:46:52 -0500

First, let me thank you for your work on a debugger that has been immensely useful to me and to others to whom I have introduced it. While I do not think I would have the time to work on it just now I would like to offer a suggestion, which is that if everyone who appreciates DDD sends in a few dollars per year, it would be possible to pay someone to maintain and enhance it. I do not know how many people use it, but if 10,000 people sent $10 per year, a full time person could be retained purely for DDD (and maybe gdb, too). If need be, I think I could donate somewhat more than that, if that is what is needed.
   Does anyone else have thoughts on the idea?


At 2002/11/12 13:47  Tuesday, Andreas Zeller wrote:
Dear DDD users,

I have to announce that I can no longer maintain GNU DDD - the Data
Display Debugger frontend to GDB.  My current job as a professor no
longer leaves me enough time to maintain the DDD code base;
furthermore, my current research tends to make interactive debuggers
like DDD obsolete in the long run.  Nonetheless, writing and
maintaining DDD has been big big fun, and I deeply regret not being
able to contribute anymore.

I am willing, though, to help anyone out who is willing to maintain
DDD in the future.  Right now, this task simply means to maintain the
CVS archive, to keep DDD up-to-date with recent GCC and GDB versions,
and to make a new release from time to time.  Eventually, as a
maintainer, you will also have to judge and apply patches send in from
other users.  Overall, the task should not take you more than 2 hours
a week (with occasional peaks when a release is near).

If you'd like to maintain GNU DDD in the future, just let me know;
Please Cc: your mail to the GNU maintainers <address@hidden> such
that they know whether to search for a new maintainer or not.  I am
confident that we'll find a long and steady future for DDD; feel free
to contribute as you can.

Have fun with DDD,

Andreas Zeller

Andreas Zeller    Universitaet des Saarlandes, Saarbruecken, Germany

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