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C++ vectors

From: Michael D. Hartl
Subject: C++ vectors
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 18:56:03 -0800 (PST)

Hi Holly,

Your question regarding using DDD with C++ vectors is the first Google hit
when searching on "ddd c++ vectors".  I don't know if you are still
interested (you posted a year and a half ago), but for the benefit of
people like me who searched for an answer I thought I'd post a response.

I had trouble looking at the contents of C++ STL vectors with DDD inside
my subroutines.  (Vectors inside main worked fine.)  When printing the
element (say) v[0],

(gdb) p v[0]

I got the error message

cannot subscript something of type `vector<double,allocator<double> >'

I dumped the error message into Google, and I found the answer at
address@hidden:  compiling with the -ggdb flag in place of plain -g did
the trick.

g++ -ggdb -o foo foo.cpp

Voila.  Now printing v[0] shows the value of the vector element just as if
it were a C array.

Hope this helps,


Michael Hartl

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