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Re: Vertical Displays Pane?

From: Andrew Gaylard
Subject: Re: Vertical Displays Pane?
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 20:18:12 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4.1) Gecko/20031030

Ryan Sommers wrote:
Is there any way to make the displays pane vertical instead of horizontal?
I've used DDD almost every day for the past few years and it just now
occured to me that I've never seen an option for this. It would make a ton
of sense in my opinion since modern graphical displays are wider than they
are tall and most code is taller than wide.

When looking at most of my sessions there is a large block of whitespace
on the right side of the code pane most of the time since the code only
has a few long lines. However, my displays pane is almost always
overflowing. If this is not an option I think it would be an extremely
useful one. Screen layout would be like follows:

|    Code                 |  Displays  |
|                         |            |
|                         |            |
|_________________________|            |
| GDB console             |            |
|                         |            |

If this is already an option please excuse my ignorance. Otherwise if this
is the wrong list to email suggesstions to please let me know where I
should post it.



This is quite a neat idea, but it isn't implemented.
Feel free to submit a patch!


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