According to most user interface guidelines when the tab key is pressed
focus should circulate among the various text areas, text boxes, and
buttons. It is tiring (and unhealthy) to repeatedly use the mouse
button to move and click, and above all, it is slow (spend most
of my inactive debugging time with ddd moving and clicking).
When I say slow I'm talking half a second or so, but when
debugging time is really precious...
What I wanted to suggest is, when I press F2 and the run window
comes up, it would be really nice if pressing tab allowed you
to select arguents etc... by circulating the focus.
(Qt based applications like designer for building apps has
such focus feature in it. I think GTK or whatever ddd is
based on should have it too).
The ideal situation is where everthing can be operated from
the keyboard. That's why linux is better than windows in the
first place. Mouse operations take longer than keyboard
operations, which means unix users have so much more
time on their hands to spend enhancing the system!!!
Best Regards to all ddd developers and users,