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Segfaults in ddd

From: Fred Krogh
Subject: Segfaults in ddd
Date: Thu, 04 May 2006 09:24:21 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060430)

Raimondo Giammanco wrote:

>  I have installed on gentoo both lesstif and openmotif,
> but ddd-3.3.11 has been built against openmotif-2.2.3-r9,
> and it works without problems.
>  It seems a specific gentoo installation issue, 
> rather than a ddd problem.
I posted this once before, but I'd love to know if the segfaults I'm
getting are specific to my installation or are due to a problem in ddd. 
I too am running a gentoo system and have tried both openmotif and
lesstif.  Both work fine except as illustrated by the following Fortran code

c Program to show problem in ddd
      integer I, IA(5)
      call sub1(IA)
      print *, (IA(I), I = 1, 5)
      subroutine sub1(II)
      integer I, II(*)
      do 10 I = 1, 5
        II(I) = I
 10   continue

Paste this into your editor, call the file say test.f and save it.
g77 -g -o test test.f

ddd test

Set a breakpoint at line 12 (two lines from the bottom) and run the
program.  Then move the mouse pointer over II.  This kills ddd for me. 
Is it just me??


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