When I display a std::string in DDD, the display looks somewhat like this:
1. s npos = 429457295 _M_dataplus = {...}
The content of the string isn't immediately visible, I have to dive into
the structure to see what's in there.
Is there a way to customize the display of std::string items?
I can print/display the string itself, either using s._M_dataplus._M_p or using s.c_str(). It would be nice to have its display look more like
that of a char *:
3. pointervar 0xbfd9ea54 "this is my char* string"
Another, more fancy display would be something like this: 42. s c_str() = "my std::string value" length() = 20
capacity() = 20
Would it be possible to instruct DDD to display all std::string types like this? Could this be done by writing a DDD theme?
Such a custom display could be useful for other structures as well.
Best regards, Geert Kloosterman
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customized display of e.g. std::string?,
Geert Kloosterman<=