Astrology, Romance, Recipes, E-Cards, Games & More - Check it out Today!
Astrology, Romance, Recipes, E-Cards, Games & More - Check it out Today!
Fri, 28 Mar 2003 13:11:24 -0600
SuperEWomen ( ) is a small but dedicated site to women. As busy SuperWomen it's nice to
be able to get our horoscopes, e-cards, dating service, advice from Dr. Ruth, etc., all in one place. We also feature
classifieds, message boards and how to have a really romantic bedroom - along with some yummy recipes! So even
though you've had a super-e-busy day...this will hopefully be a place to come for five minutes of "quiet time"! Enjoy
and be sure to give us some feedback so that we can make it even better for YOU!
All registered visitors will receive a free e-book of bartending recipes or kitchen recipes!! Just sign the guestbook and
please refer a friend! Have a super e-day!
Liz Bennett
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Astrology, Romance, Recipes, E-Cards, Games & More - Check it out Today!,