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Re: [PATCH 0/4] Handle test execution timeout consistently across protoc

From: Maciej W. Rozycki
Subject: Re: [PATCH 0/4] Handle test execution timeout consistently across protocols
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2023 10:44:24 +0000 (GMT)
User-agent: Alpine 2.20 (DEB 67 2015-01-07)

On Tue, 12 Dec 2023, Jacob Bachmeyer wrote:

> >  A change for the timeout factor will follow.  As it consists of a DejaGNU
> > part and a GCC part I chose to send it separately so as not to cross-post
> > this whole series between the DejaGNU and GCC mailing lists.
> > 
> >  Any questions, comments, or concerns?  Otherwise please apply.
> Patches 1, 2, and 3 applied as offered on branch mwr-patch-20231212.  Patch 4
> has been revised and applied on the branch because the command to be executed
> is free-form text while the timeout is a simple number; the revised format
> ("Executing on MACHINE with timeout TIMEOUT: COMMAND") is easier to reliably
> parse.


"Executing on $hostname: $program $pargs $inp $outp (timeout = $timeout)"

is the format `remote_exec' has been using for decades (the message comes 
from before the beginning of our repo), e.g.:

Executing on host: .../gcc/xgcc -B.../gcc/   
(timeout = 300)


Executing on remote-frankie: chmod +x /tmp/runtest.37812/20000112-1.exe    
(timeout = 300)

and by now I suppose everyone who cares (including myself) got used to it.  
I made the new messages consistent with the existing one and I'd prefer 
that they (all) used the long-established format.  There's just been too 
much mental imprint to it at this stage.  Therefore please reconsider your 

 Otherwise, thank you for your review.


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