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[Demexp-dev] New raw client && some news

From: David MENTRE
Subject: [Demexp-dev] New raw client && some news
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 18:38:55 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.2 (gnu/linux)

Hello dear demexpers,

I've started to upload in CVS a new raw textual client for demexp
(directory raw-clnt/, don't forget the -d switch of cvs update). It is
not a duplicate of isa's work because: (i) it is a example of
communication between a client and a server (isa, hint hint ;) and (ii)
a gives us a basic client that should work from the beginning on
Windows, MacOS X, Linux, name-your-platform-of-heart.

To play with it:

 1. start the server:
./srv/demexp-server --log

 2. start the client

A typical session:

DemExp Raw Client 0.0.1 ($Date: 2004/01/24 19:08:32 $)
  DemExp Raw Client comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
  This program is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under
  certain conditions (see

Enter 'help' to know available commands.
(anonymous)/> mkdir a
(anonymous)/> mdkir b
Unknown command
(anonymous)/> mkdir b
(anonymous)/> ls
 0. b/
 1. a/
(anonymous)/> cd 0
(anonymous)/b/> mkdir A_very_long_cat
(anonymous)/b/> ls
 0. A_very_long_cat/
(anonymous)/b/> cd 0
(anonymous)/b/A_very_long_cat/> cd ..
(anonymous)/b/> cd ..
(anonymous)/> ls
 0. b/
 1. a/
(anonymous)/> help
Available commands:
  quit      : leave this program
  login name: identify onself as NAME
  ls        : list the content of current hierarchy level
  mkdir name: add a new subcategory NAME
  cd n      : move into sub-category of number N
  cd ..     : move into upper-category
  help      : you've just typed it!
(anonymous)/> login god
Password: demexp

Please notice that arguments to 'cd' are a number of the category and
not the category itself. I think it will be easier to manipulate and
much easier to implement than auto-completion. Of course, if somebody
wants to implement autocompletion, I'll take patches with pleasure. :) 

Let me know of any issues and compilation failure or success on foreign

As a side note, it seems that the script that sends a message after a
CVS upload is dead (probably after savannah crack). I don't have time to
make it work (and I don't know if it is possible). So update your CVS
tree regularly.

 David Mentré <address@hidden>

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