I have updated demexp DTD and XML example in
demexp--development--0.3--patch-90. However, I have only done manual
checks and not mechanical ones, so there is probably a lot of errors and
mistakes. The produced file passes the dtd2cduce check (i.e.
"dtd2cduce . srv/demexp.dtd" gives a result).
I would appreciate if you could review chapter 14 of
srv/demexp-server-book.[dvi|pdf] and give me your opinion on it, as you
are our XML expert. Do not hesitate to criticize the use of tags and
attributes, if you find something not nice or homogeneous (of course,
everybody on demexp-dev is invited to do so). I think that we should
also write an XML Schema for our DTD, in order to refine the data types
(e.g. ids are natural integers).
On the CDuce side, I have compiled and installed CDuce on my
machine. I'm also starting to understand the cduce language.
You once asked me what interface I would expect from the CDuce part,
here is a start of answer:
- open an XML demexp file, for reading or writing;
- functions to read or write the XML document, one *part* at a time
(e.g. a participant, a question, etc.);
- close the XML document with necessary check or closing tag.
I would like to avoid the load of the whole XML document if it is