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[Demexp-dev] [PATCH] Compatibility with CDuce 0.3

From: Thomas Petazzoni
Subject: [Demexp-dev] [PATCH] Compatibility with CDuce 0.3
Date: Fri, 08 Apr 2005 22:27:25 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (X11/20050331)


As previously reported by Thomas de Grenier de Latour on this
mailing-list, the CDuce language changed between 0.2 and 0.3. The old {|
and |} are now replaced by simple { and }.

The attached patch fixes the problem. (Note: the included patch is a
Debian patch. It can be applied by simply removing the first few lines).


PETAZZONI Thomas - address@hidden - Jabber: address@hidden
Fingerprint : 0BE1 4CF3 CEA4 AC9D CC6E  1624 F653 CB30 98D3 F7A7
#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
## cduce-new-format.dpatch by  <address@hidden>
## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
## DP: No description.

diff -urNad demexp-0.4/srv/ /tmp/dpep.4BokgR/demexp-0.4/srv/
--- demexp-0.4/srv/    2005-03-15 18:50:23.000000000 +0100
+++ /tmp/dpep.4BokgR/demexp-0.4/srv/   2005-04-03 23:54:37.521910963 
@@ -79,32 +79,32 @@
 type Ocaml_int = -1073741824 -- 1073741823 ;;
 type Ocaml_string = Latin1 ;;
 type Ocaml_kind = `Individual | `Delegate ;;
-type Ocaml_participant = {| kind = Ocaml_kind;
+type Ocaml_participant = { kind = Ocaml_kind;
                             login = Ocaml_string;
                             password = Ocaml_string;
-                            groups = [ Ocaml_string* ] |} ;;
-type Ocaml_response = {| r_desc = Ocaml_string;
+                            groups = [ Ocaml_string* ] } ;;
+type Ocaml_response = { r_desc = Ocaml_string;
                          r_author = Ocaml_string;
-                         r_links = [ Ocaml_string* ] |} ;;
-type Ocaml_vote = {| voter = Ocaml_string;
-                     choices = [ Ocaml_int* ] |} ;;
+                         r_links = [ Ocaml_string* ] } ;;
+type Ocaml_vote = { voter = Ocaml_string;
+                     choices = [ Ocaml_int* ] } ;;
 type Ocaml_elected = Ocaml_int ;;
 type Ocaml_tag = Ocaml_string ;;
 type Ocaml_tagid_list = [ Ocaml_int* ] ;;
 type Ocaml_status = `Tagging_only | `Public ;;
-type Ocaml_question = {| q_desc = Ocaml_string;
+type Ocaml_question = { q_desc = Ocaml_string;
                          q_author = Ocaml_string;
                          limit_date = Ocaml_string;
                          status = Ocaml_status;
                          responses = [ Ocaml_response* ];
                          votes = [ Ocaml_vote* ];
-                         elected = [ Ocaml_elected* ] |} ;;
-type Ocaml_xml_content = {| version = Ocaml_string;
+                         elected = [ Ocaml_elected* ] } ;;
+type Ocaml_xml_content = { version = Ocaml_string;
                             participants = [ (Ocaml_int, Ocaml_participant)* ];
                             questions = [ (Ocaml_int, Ocaml_question)* ];
                             tags = [ (Ocaml_int, Ocaml_tag)* ];
                             tagged_questions = [ (Ocaml_int,
-                                                  Ocaml_tagid_list)* ] |} ;;
+                                                  Ocaml_tagid_list)* ] } ;;

 \section{XML export}
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
       | `Delegate -> "delegate"
       map a with
-        (i, {| kind=q; login=l; password=p; groups=g |})
+        (i, { kind=q; login=l; password=p; groups=g })
                 -> <participant kind=(trans_kind q)
                                 p_id=(ocaml2xml_int i)>[ <login>l
@@ -177,20 +177,20 @@
       map l with s&Latin1 -> <link>s
       map r with
-          {| r_desc=d; r_author=a; r_links=l |} ->
+          { r_desc=d; r_author=a; r_links=l } ->
             <response>[ <desc>d
                         !(trans_links l) ] in
   let trans_votes (v : [Ocaml_vote*]) : [Xml_vote*] =
-    map v with {| voter=id; choices=c |} ->
+    map v with { voter=id; choices=c } ->
         <vote voter=id>(map c with i&Int -> <choice is=(ocaml2xml_int i)>[]) in
   let trans_elected (e : [Ocaml_elected*]) : [Xml_elected*] =
     map e with i&Int -> <elected>(ocaml2xml_int i) in
   let trans_status (Ocaml_status -> Xml_status)
       | `Tagging_only -> "tagging_only"
       | `Public -> "public" in
-  map a with (i,{| q_desc=d; q_author=a; limit_date=l; status=s;
-                   responses=r; votes=v; elected=e |}) ->
+  map a with (i,{ q_desc=d; q_author=a; limit_date=l; status=s;
+                   responses=r; votes=v; elected=e }) ->
                      <question q_id=(ocaml2xml_int i)
                                status=(trans_status s)>
                  [ <desc>d
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
 let save (f : Latin1) (c : Ocaml_xml_content) : [] =
   let content = match c with
-   {| version=v; participants=p; questions=q; tags=t; tagged_questions=tq |} ->
+   { version=v; participants=p; questions=q; tags=t; tagged_questions=tq } ->
      <demexp_base version=v>[ <participant_base>(ocaml2xml_participants p)
                               <question_base>(ocaml2xml_questions q)
                               <classification_base>[ <tags>(ocaml2xml_tags t)

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