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[Demexp-dev] [Sylvain LE GALL] [Caml-list] [ANN] ocaml-gettext v 0.2.0

From: David MENTRE
Subject: [Demexp-dev] [Sylvain LE GALL] [Caml-list] [ANN] ocaml-gettext v 0.2.0
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 21:37:21 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.4 (gnu/linux)


For those interested in i18n and l10n of demexp, please find below a
library similar to C gettext. Apparently, its behavior is not exactly
the same as its C counterpart.


--- Begin Message --- Subject: [Caml-list] [ANN] ocaml-gettext v 0.2.0 Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 00:30:22 +0200 User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

General :
Ocaml-gettext is a library that enables string translation in Ocaml. The
API is based on GNU gettext. It comes with a tool to extract the string
which needs to be translated from Ocaml source file.

This enable Ocaml program to output string in the native language of the
user ( if you also provide a file containing the translation of the 
english string contains in the program to the one in the native language 
of the user ).

The translation is base on string ( this means that you need to provide
a string and not a unique identifier, like in some other catalog 
system ). This string is in english, and will be returned if the native 
language of the user doesn't have translation catalog.

v 0.2.0 is the first public release. Former release was simple wrapper
around GNU gettext. This release have a wrapper to GNU gettext AND a 
pure Ocaml implementation of the library ( based on Camomile ).

Link :

Sylvain Le Gall

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--- End Message ---

pub  1024D/A3AD7A2A 2004-10-03 David MENTRE <address@hidden>
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