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Re: [Demexp-dev] Bug when creating/renaming tags on official serveur

From: David MENTRE
Subject: Re: [Demexp-dev] Bug when creating/renaming tags on official serveur
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 20:03:13 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.4 (gnu/linux)

Hello FĂ©lix,

Felix HENRY <address@hidden> writes:

> When I create a new tag I get this message in a distinct window
> (not in the status bar below the tag creation window):
> Unknown error message (Rpc.Rpc_server(3)).
> However when I reload the list of tags & question, I see that
> the tag has been created.
> When I rename a tag, I get the same error message, but the
> tag name does not change. Strange, hey.

Ok, I think I've found the culprit. 

Short story: the demexp server can no longer access is XML database

Long story: 

 Judging from server error logs, the server can't write to its XML file:

   Exception Sys_error("Permission denied") caught
   Exception Sys_error("Permission denied") caught
   Exception Sys_error("Permission denied") caught

 My user identifier (uid) on has changed recently and
 the demexp server has been started under my older one. As all the files
 in my home directory on marcos have been changed to the new uid, the
 server can no longer access its files for write.

 When you added a new tag or modified an exisiting one, the XML file is
 saved and it raised an exception that is caught by the server code, but
 the connection with the client is closed abruptly (thus the
 Rpc.Rpc_server(3) error message). Moreover, the server data structures
 are no longer synchronized with the saved database in XML format.

1. I'm waiting that root on marcos machine kill the server (I cannot do
   it myself as the process has a different uid);

2. In fact Felix, you've found *two* bugs:

   - on the client side, I should give a more meaningful error message;

   - on the server side, I should take into that case and not cut
     abruptly the connection (or stop the server, I don't know).

Best wishes,

PS for Felix: you'll lose all the modification on the server you tried
              to accomplish.
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