On 10/17/06, David MENTRE <address@hidden
> wrote:
Hello Ketty,
I'm trying to execute your merged code on my local
machine. Unfortunatly, that does not go very well. :-(
First of all, if I use the option --gettext-dir to demexpweb.bin in
shell script, I always get:
Software error
Failure("setlocale(invalid localization)")
for "en" and "sv" locales (strangely enough, not for the "fr" one).
Do you have en and sv locales installed? Are they listed when you do "locale -a" ? Currently the locales are set to the exact strings: "fr_FR.UTF-8", "en_US.UTF-8" and "sv_SE.UTF-8" because setting them to only fr/en/sv mysteriously fails with ocaml-gettext as you seem to have noticed previously.
Secondly, the interface displays correctly without this option however I
can't browse the position base: nothing happens when I click or double
click on a tag. None of the top buttons are working neither.
But apparently there is the same issue on your own version of the CGI:
That page is working correctly for me... strange.. What browser and browser-version are you using? Is _javascript_ enabled? Could you show me the generated html-mess?