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Re: [dev-serveez] http cache (LRU detection)

From: Raimund 'Raimi' Jacob
Subject: Re: [dev-serveez] http cache (LRU detection)
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2001 19:26:42 +0200 (CEST)

On Sun, 29 Jul 2001, stefan wrote:


> the CVS contains a modified version of the LRU detection in the http
> file cache hopefully solving the performance problem with smaller files.
> You remember the test ? On more http cache entries the response
> significantally slowed down. The new algorithm (double chained list)
> should solve this problem.
> Could you please test this ? You should ./configure --disable-debug in
> order to test it. Reports would be nice. Does a small file test use the
> full bandwidth of a 100 MBit line now ?

i did a quick test on my main machine (no net, all loopback):
http_load -p 10 -s 30 ../uri-k.txt (10 parallel fetches of 1000 1k files
for 30 seconds).

the very best is still without the cache (cache-entries . 0): about 2.5 to
3.2 MB/s on the loopback net, http_load say ~ 800 to 900 kb/s.

at 2000 or 10000 cache entries: ~ 120kb/s says http_load. what is
interesting: my xosview tells me that the throughut starts at about 1.5
MB/s and (linearly) goes down to 350kb/s

this is strange somehow. i dont see a linear component in http-cache.c
(the http_cache_urgency function has O(n) but does not get called from
 within http-cache.c).

i dont know what's happening... i first thought that the growing number of
coserver callbacks may be responsible... but those are there in both cases
(cache and no cache).

... damit, what's the VFS doing ?!


      __/\     _/\    _____/\.___/\
     /   /    /  /___/   ____/  __/\     Name    : Raimi
    /   /  __/    __/   / __/  / _\/     Contact : address@hidden
   /   /__/ /     \/   /_/_/  /_/        Visit   :
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