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Re: [dev-serveez] How about a release?

From: stefan
Subject: Re: [dev-serveez] How about a release?
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 21:29:46 +0100 (CET)

On Mon, 17 Mar 2003, Andreas Rottmann wrote:

> There is a small bug, which is fixed by the following one-line patch:
> Index: src/guile-api.h
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /cvsroot/serveez/serveez/src/guile-api.h,v
> retrieving revision 1.12
> diff -u -p -r1.12 guile-api.h
> --- src/guile-api.h   5 Feb 2003 17:04:25 -0000       1.12
> +++ src/guile-api.h   17 Mar 2003 14:23:11 -0000
> @@ -145,7 +145,8 @@ typedef scm_catch_handler_t scm_t_catch_
>  #define guile_lookup(var, name) do {                                        \
>      (var) = scm_sym2var (scm_str2symbol (name),                             \
>                        scm_current_module_lookup_closure (), SCM_BOOL_F); \
> -    if (SCM_FALSEP (var)) (var) = SCM_UNDEFINED; } while (0)
> +    if (SCM_FALSEP (var)) (var) = SCM_UNDEFINED;                            \
> +    else (var) = scm_variable_ref(var); } while (0)
>  #endif
>  #ifndef SCM_VERSION_15X
>  #define scm_gc_protect_object(obj) scm_protect_object (obj)

Well, this is taken right from the implementation of scm_module_lookup()
right?  I applied it locally. Did the guile servers failed while looking
up symbolically referenced procedures ("No such procedure: xxx")?

> Having this fixed, the guile servers seem to work with guile 1.6 and
> 1.7, altough there are deprecation warning with 1.7:
> scm_must_free is deprecated.  Use scm_gc_malloc and scm_gc_free instead.

Hm.  I waited to appliy these changes until the guile developers finished
their gc rewrite and found a API which does not change to often anymore...
Do you know about the state of development?

Basically we must differentiate 2 cases where the scm_must_*() functions
are used in Serveez:

 1. free'ing pointers returned by e.g. gh_scm2newstr() -> the macro
 2. allocating/freeing the smob data structures and pointers inside these

Is there a document telling what we need to use (the correct way) in the
new guile? I've seen loads of these malloc()/free() functions... quite
confusing for a non-guile developer (at least at the first glimpse).

Thanks in advance,

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