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[dev-serveez] when t0 test the waters

From: Jeanine Espinosa
Subject: [dev-serveez] when t0 test the waters
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2006 8:28:42 +0180

Target Trader


Dermisonics Develops Working Model of Antiseptic Wand In The
$1.2 Billion Wound Care Market

Now In Talks With U.S. Army to Build Battlefield Version

Pr0filed:  Dermisonics Inc.
SECTOR:  Conglomerates
Symbol:  DMSI
{lt2} $0.47

We have reviewed this new stock in our listings and we are more than excited. 
This company 
has developed a new antiseptic delvery system that not only makes the 
application of 
antiseptic to wounds, its ability to penitrate deeper than surface cover can 
help prevent against needed amputations due to uncontrolled infections.

It is no wonder the US Military is interested in bulding a battlefield version 
to help 
protect our soldiers by better equiping the field medics.

Just check out their website and reveiw the full news release below. With an 
like this in the market we are very excited to see where this stock goes 

The Head lines:

WEST CONSHOHOCKEN, Pa., Feb. 6 /CNW/ -- Dermisonics, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: 
a pioneer in the development of ultrasonic transdermal drug-delivery 
announced today that it has completed the first working model of its A-Wand 
delivery system and is in talks with the Army Institute of Surgical Research 
under the 
Combat Casualty Care Research Program to develop a battlefield version.

The A-Wand (TM) is a handheld, portable, ultrasonic wand device for applying 
solutions to cuts, abrasions and wounds with a replaceable Patch-Cap (TM), 
which holds 
up to 40 ml of antiseptic solution. It uses alternating ultrasonic waveforms to 
the diameter of the skin pores enabling antiseptics to permeate through the 
(Stratum Corneum) into the dermis through the sweat pores.

Attacks Critical Problem of Infections in Wounded Soldiers -- Infection is a 
potentially lethal, battlefield hazard for wounded soldiers before they can 
full medical treatment in a hospital. The Medic on the scene applies antiseptic 
bandages the wound but the antiseptic only affects the outermost layers of the 
tissue. Infection frequently results and is a major cause of amputations.

The A-Wand Encapsulates the Wounded Area with Antiseptic -- The A-Wand would be 
used by 
Medics in the field, by Mash units and for follow-up wound care to 
significantly reduce 
this hazard. Through the use of the A-Wand's ultrasound system, the antiseptic 
is "pushed" to the deeper tissue where it can more effectively fight infection 
surrounding and encapsulating the wounded area with antiseptic. It also has the 
advantage of being able to penetrate scared tissue without damaging this basic 
defense system.

Technology inventor and Dermisonics Executive Vice-President Bruce Redding 
"The A-Wand represents a huge opportunity for Dermisonics and the various 
patients who 
could benefit from increased infection-resistant technologies. Dermisonics 
is pleased by the response from the US Army and we hope this technology finds 
in the field as soon as possible"

The Next Generation in the $1.2 Billion Wound Care Market -- The Company 
believes the 
A-Wand will represent a significant shift in wound-care medical science and 
fundamentally change the $1.2 billion wound-care market.

Industry Opportunity and Receptivity -- As a harbinger of its immediate 
industry impact, 
the Company has already received, in addition to the military, strong 
indications of 
interest from major companies in the pharmaceutical and hospital fields.


Dermisonics is an intellectual property company and advanced technology
incubator that is primarily focused on the ongoing development, testing and
eventual commercialization of a transdermal patch that has been designed to
facilitate the efficient and needle-free delivery of drugs with large
molecular structures into the bloodstream. Its breakthrough system, called
the U-Strip, is based on a radical integration of microelectronics and
ultrasonic science with a product-carrying patch, and represents a quantum
leap in non- invasive, transdermal delivery technology. Tests have shown
that this system facilitates the transdermal delivery of insulin as well as
potentially at least 175 other existing drugs that at present cannot be
effectively delivered through the pores of the skin using conventionally
available transdermal technology due to their large molecular size. The
Company has also developed other portable ultrasonic systems for
applications in the medical (Antiseptic Wand) and skin care (U-Wand) fields.

Goo d Trading


Information within this em  ail contains 4rward l0 0king statements within
the meaning of Section 27A of the Secu rities Act of nineteen thirty three
and Section 21B of the Securi ties Exch ange Act of nineteen thirty four. Any
statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predi ctions,
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umptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical
fact and may be 4rward 1o0king statements. Don't rely on them to make a
decision. As with many micr ocap st0c ks, today's  com pany has disclosable 
items you need to consider in order to make an informed and intelligent
in_vest ment decision. These items include: a reliance on loans from
offi cers, some related party transactions, a goin concern opinion from its
auditor, no reven ues in its most recent quar ter, a large accumulated deficit,
default on not es pay able that could cause the com pany to lose its 
property, and potential  litigation over its technology. It is not an operating 
comp any
and is going to need fin ancing. Read the Company's S E C Fili ngs now, right 
now, before
you inve st. None of the material within this report shall be construed as any 
kind of in
vestment advi ce or solicitat ion. Many of these small compa nies are on the 
verge of
bankr uptcy. You can lose all your m0ny by in-ves ting in this st0c k. In
compliance with the Securi ties Act of 19 33, Sec tion 17(b),we disclose the 
receipt of
four hundred twenty five thousand free trading shares received from a third 
party, not
an officer, director or affiliate shareholder for our services. We intend to 
sell our
stock now. This could cause the stock to go down, resulting in losses for you. 
factual informa tion in this report was gathered from public sources, including 
not limited to Comp any Pre ss Releas es and Fili ngs.

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