Well, Heaths a good man, declared Markham.
The two rooms had apparently been
thoroughly ransacked. Surely you must perceive that it hasmerit.
Vance had many
amazing gifts and capabilities.
We turned from the depressing spectacle of the
dead girl and movedtoward the center of the room.
Vance was not yet
thirty-five, and, in a cold, sculptural fashion,was impressively
He was not emotionless,but his emotions were, in the main,
Y know, Markham, your sweetand charmin faith in circumstantial
evidence is positivelydisarming.
Bien, mon vieux, he announced gaily, as Currie
handed him his hatand gloves and a malacca cane.
A ducks spoors, on the other
hand, I might be tempted totake at their face value. The whole apartment seemed
eminently in keeping withthe Canarys fragile and evanescent personality. A
ducks spoors, on the other hand, I might be tempted totake at their face
Why this sweeping deprecation ofcircumstantial evidence? Crime, d ye
see, is a personal and individual business.
They didnt exactly do the job in
dainty fashion, remarkedInspector Moran. And may kind Heavenbring you safe to
shore! One doesnt make up a partie carée for a murder as one does for abridge
Its lid was thrownback, and the key was still in the lock.
He bent over
and pointed to the girlsfingers, on which showed several abrasions. Vance
looked up with a slow smile and regarded him quizzically.
Vance slowly took a
cigarette from his case and tapped it on the armof his chair.