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[Dfey-nw-discuss] address@hidden: [backstage] Software freedom and web a

From: Fred Phillips
Subject: [Dfey-nw-discuss] address@hidden: [backstage] Software freedom and web applications]
Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2008 20:13:07 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.16 (2007-06-09)

For those not on the BBC Backstage mailing list:

----- Forwarded message from Dave Crossland <address@hidden> -----

From: Dave Crossland <address@hidden>
To: address@hidden
Subject: [backstage] Software freedom and web applications
Reply-To: address@hidden


Aaron Swartz has written a nice summary of the history and issues of
software freedom in the age of web applications:

With small proof-of-concept projects like http://identi.ca/ and large
Web 2.0 artifices like Ma.gnolia.com showing leadership in this
direction, will people upgrade from 'data portability' to tackling the
underlying issue of network software freedom? :-)

Personal opinion only.
Sent via the backstage.bbc.co.uk discussion group.  To unsubscribe, please 
visit http://backstage.bbc.co.uk/archives/2005/01/mailing_list.html.  
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Fred O. Phillips
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