In terms of school based use of open source might be worth a look at the following:
1 - Parrs Wood School - really old news article about how they used OSS. I am not sure of the latest on all this -
2 - School Forge -
http://schoolforge.org.uk/index.php/Main_Page3 - Partnerships for Schools -
http://www.partnershipsforschools.org.uk/ - new building programme. However, the IT contracts for schools will be all long signed by large contractors - which i don't think will be positive for OSS - ie: Manchester -
3 - On a more positive note, I know these people are doing v interesting things, particularly around thin clients -
http://www.cutterproject.co.uk/Sorry - didnt intend to send so much info in one mail. Ill gladly update the wiki if I get chance
On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 3:43 PM, Tim Dobson
<address@hidden> wrote:
Very interesting.
I was aware of showusabetterway via bbc-backstage but I didn't realise they had anything really useful there.
I think our aim is to get the contact details of the heads of ICT/Computer services of as many schools in our area as possible, but this does look like a good place to start from.
One of the difficulties I think will be giving ourselves a larger dataset/target area than we had intended - obviously it will be useful to filter out schools all in a particular local authority though. :)
Thanks for passing that on!
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If each of us have one idea, and we exchange them, then each of us now
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