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Re: [Dfey-nw-discuss] [Fwd: [GeekUp] Teaching Kids: sign-up now]

From: Ian Lynch
Subject: Re: [Dfey-nw-discuss] [Fwd: [GeekUp] Teaching Kids: sign-up now]
Date: Sat, 06 Dec 2008 16:21:59 +0000

On Sat, 2008-12-06 at 16:11 +0000, C L Smith wrote:
> On Sat, 2008-12-06 at 15:26 +0000, Stephen Mount wrote:
> > Personally, I'd love to have such an opportunity, as the iPhone is  
> > clearly the mobile application of choice at the minute.
> That is itself a depressing fact, as Apple are a company who adore
> having absolute control over all their products, stopping enthusiasts
> from developing for their platform with layers of proprietary code and
> DRM. We all know that throughout school we are not taught how to hack;
> we are taught how to develop for Windows. Although the addition of the
> iPhone is a breath of fresh air, that fresh air is itself proprietary.
> Call me an idealist, but I'll wait until I actually have any control
> over the platform before I decide to develop for it. As it stands, the
> iPhone is a leash, for which development is obedience.

Go for Google Android then. You can then develop your own custom 'phone
building on FOSS. 

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