I know that Tim wants to do a big overhaul of the website in the summer but I don't think that it should stop us right now from having a little nibble at the content. I've updated the main page today (http://www.nw.dfey.org/wiki/Main_Page) with something that I think is a a little more interesting to the first time viewer and we've added an "About DFEY" page (http://www.nw.dfey.org/wiki/About). Feel free to edit as you see fit.
I think it'd be a nice idea for some of us to start some wiki pages with some 'essays' about digital freedom ideas... for instance clsmith has been discussing his views on decentralised mesh networks and how this could ultimately help protect people's rights from ISPs and the Government (by removing them from the equation). I think it would be nice to have some of this kind of content on here to get people thinking about what could be done.
Would any off your guys be interesting in doing this kind of thing? I know Tim will be quite busy and many of us have exams but I think it'd be nice to move in thie direction.