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Re: [Dfey-nw-discuss] DFEY SE

From: Tim Dobson
Subject: Re: [Dfey-nw-discuss] DFEY SE
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 05:31:37 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20081125)

Robert Leverington wrote:
We have actually had a chat about this, the generally feel was that as
an organisation we would need a set of defined aims/objectives before
doing anything much.

Absolutely. I've been meaning to get this sort of thing out and defined for quite a while now.

I think this ties in nicely with the next major project once the Logo is sorted (remember to VOTE!) which is to sort the website out.

I know there is a lot of differing opinions on the technical solutions to this and for the time being I'd prefer not to go into much detail about this because I think clearly defining who we are and why we are is much more important.

Obviously it will essentially be almost identical
to DFEY NW, but for the south east - however it is still important to
completely understand why we're starting such a venture (and something
completely identical to DFEY NW is going to make less sense than
something that both brings existing DFEY initiatives to the south, as
well as pioneering its own ideas); any suggestions would be good.

Absolutely. We essentially need a clear mission statement.

I tried to start putting down ideas, etc., but that quickly failed due
to lack of interest - maybe when we all have a bit more time.

Well, now is a fairly good time.

I think a DFEY-SE would get going fairly quickly - it just needs a few
people to drive it. :)

Is/does anyone know anyone else who will be interested in this?

Well, that's probably not a question to ask this list.

DFEY-NW pulled people from:
* local technical mailing lists
* linux related teen communites (teensonlinux and ##teenlinux)
* word of mouth
* friends of existing people
* twitter/identi.ca
* local tech related events

I've been talking to the IT teachers & Careers people at my (ex-)Sixth form college and it looks like we'll start to get fed directly by at least one educational establishment.

Currently I know of about three DFEY NW regulars who are/will be
located in the south east (me, Isabell, and Connor), but it would be
good to have more especially since we will be all located quite far
away from one another making meetings more challenging.


I suggest that once we can grab you guys some infrastructure, you mail greater london LUG, and a few other places like that... We can also put the word out via microblogging & IRC...

Ideally what you guys want to be aiming for is publicity from as many places as possible.

I think the next steps forward are as follows:

1) vote on a logo
2) agree on a mission statement
3) start work on a dfey.org website
4) set up DFEY-SE infrastructure
5) organise a first DFEY-SE meeting
6) ping the link about DFEY-SE to every organisation, mailing list & blog on face of planet
7) cross your fingers and turn up.

Please, if you think there's something that could be done better or differently, say so - if you think you have a better idea, you probably do! :)



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