It's been almost two and a half months since we started the competition
for a permanent logo for DFEY.
We never expected to drag out for a month longer than originally
intended... but neither did we expect the quantity or quality of the
designs that were submitted.
A week ago we announced that we had joint winners - the most popular
designs tied in the voting process and so we had to put the winners head
to head, to decide our logo.
Unfortunately, despite these both these designs being exceptional, we
can only have one logo...
The results are as follows:
Richard Querin #3: 111111 = 6
Samantha Bail #1: 111 = 3
To reflect that both designs, did in fact win the logo competition and
that the head to head took place to decide which one to use, both
winners will receive £40.
Many many thanks to all who took part. Without such diversity, I'm sure
we would never had had such a wide collection of high quality, stunning
DFEY relies on community support to keep going and it's great to know
that there's so many willing to help out when they can! The Linux
Outlaws podcast deserves a mention for plugging the competition and
helping attract wider publicity. :)
The new DFEY logo is attached and will shortly replace all of the
existing place holders.
Any questions surrounding the voting should be aimed at
address@hidden - Many thanks again go to Robert Leverington for
managing the voting.
Richard's original submission email is published below, to provide
clarification of the licencing status of the logo and historically
record it in public.